

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Manufacturing electric vehicle reality

 The state of electric vehicles is caught between two opposing forces: economic reality and manufactured reality, and only the upcoming presidential election has the potential to resolve those opposed realms.

On the side of economic reality are Normal American. They recognize the reality of Bidenflation, of living paycheck to paycheck and maxing out credit cards. They are driving their internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles as long as they can, a current average of 12.2 years, an all-time record. The Ford F-150 continues to be the most popular vehicle in America. They’re long lasting and useful.

Within the last year, Normals have made their opinion of Electric Vehicles (EVs) unmistakably clear: they don’t want them, can’t afford them, and won’t buy them. Economic reality has reared its ugly head and cost Ford billions in EV losses in 2023 and projects $5 billion in losses for 2024, $132,000 for each EV made. Even for a corporation like Ford, that’s real money, and they’re cutting EV production plans in half.  Chevy is “pausing” their EV plans, and with the possible exception of Tesla, other EV makers are in dire financial straits.

EVs are too expensive to insure, which is driving up rates for ICE vehicles. Minor damage can total an EV, and Hertz has all but abandoned its huge investment in EVs because no one wants to rent them. They’re flooding the used market, but no one wants to buy a used EV either.  Only about the top 7% of Americans in income buy new EVs, which now average well over $60,000.  The average age of EVs is now 3.8 years, a decline from the past.  Americans who intend to buy EVs pretty much already have.

Ford’s overall net income has dropped 20%--the inflation Joe Biden claims doesn’t exist—and Tesla’s sales have dropped 48% in the first quarter of 2024. Normals don’t want EVs, which are dragging down the entire industry.

On the manufactured reality side, the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA) continues to tell us EVs are the future. Given $7.5 billion we don’t have two years ago to build 500,000 EV charging stations across America by 2030, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has, in a stunning display of government efficiency, built eight at nearly a billion apiece. 

Graphic: EV chargers. Author.

Buttigieg said ‘the EV revolution will happen with or without us’ and that Biden is focused on making sure the EV revolution is led by America, not by a competitor like China.

He said the charging stations are just one factor that will help Americans transition from gas-powered cars to electric; the other is lowering the cost of EVs for the consumer.

Mandating solar, wind, destroying our natural gas and coal power generation capability, while mandating EV cars, light trucks, and heavy trucks is, to the sane American, lunacy. From where will come the electricity to power this EV revolution?  Even if 500,000 chargers magically appear, Americans still won’t buy EVs because they’re unreliable and can’t meet their needs, and without plentiful and reliable electric power, EVs don’t run.

There aren’t enough rare earths and other minerals and metals to support all those EVs, and China is in control of most of them and their processing. In addition, China is in control of most computer chip manufacturing. But that’s OK because real reality can be ignored for the right causes, such as fighting global warming that isn’t occurring.

How can the MMPA maintain such delusions in the face of economic reality? It’s simple, really: they create their own reality and force others to live in it.

Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) have the advantage of being morally and intellectually superior. Their policies are perfect, non-falsifiable. They cannot fail. Yet they inevitably fail, and when they do, the fun begins. When Americans refuse to buy EVs that can only be because they’re too stupid to know what’s in their best interests. When they can’t afford an EV, that’s only because they don’t appreciate how good the economy actually is. When they complain about brownouts, they’re climate deniers. 

Graphic: X Screenshot

D/s/cs magnanimously allow Normals to live, but the ingrates only criticize them and keep yammering about reality. Obviously, not enough money has been spent and not enough time has been allowed for the magnificence of D/s/c policy to be manifest. And if all that doesn’t work, there are always re-education camps, and if that doesn’t work, D/s/cs can move on to the inevitable final solution.

Inevitable, because when you create reality, when you’ve defined the future for the benefit of all, when you alone are mankind’s saviors through fundamental transformation of human nature and America, what possible limits on your good intentions and brilliance can be allowed to exist?


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