

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Must watch: Leftist can’t explain Trump ‘crimes’

 Video from Piers Morgan Uncensored has the whole panel laughing at a leftist who can’t even answer the basic question: what crime did Trump commit?  Since the D.A., Alvin Bragg, and the judge in the case, Judge Merchan, failed to articulate a crime in the case, Michael Knowles challenged her to articulate the “crime” of which President Trump was “convicted.” 

Hilarity ensues as she ends up rambling around in circles, desperately trying to come up with a cogent answer, unable to explain his “crime.”

Then it gets even better, when Mark Geragos, famed defense attorney and admitted lifelong Democrat, who is no fan of Trump, who says he never voted for him and never will, systematically demolishes her answer.

You’re going to want to watch that a few times and share it.  Note that the original video from Piers Morgan Uncensored is here, and the Rumble version of the Dave Rubin video is here, along with an archived version here.

Keep in mind that the man who demolishes her answer states that they “probably agree on 80%” with their worldviews.  He goes on to attack the way this was conducted, stating that these kinds of shenanigans in the criminal courts have no place in a federal election.  This was “A Sham Case, and Everyone Knows It,” as stated by Racket News — hardly a conservative news source. 

All this shows that they went to any means necessary to attain the goal of claiming that Donald Trump is a “felon,” fulfilling the infamous quote from Lavrentiy Beria, director of the Soviet secret police, who played a major role in the purges of Joseph Stalin’s opponents: “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

And right on cue, Alex Soros (does that name ring a bell?) posted this on X:

Democrats should refer to Trump as a convicted felon at every opportunity. Repetition is the key to a successful message and we want people to wrestle with the notion of hiring a convicted felon for the most important job in the country!

This is more than hypocritical, since Soros’s Open Society Foundation wants to “Ban the Box” and refrain from talking about such things, but if the fascist far-left ruling class didn’t have double-standards, it wouldn’t have standards at all.

But as Simon de Hundehutte termed it in a perfectly framed meme: “The ‘Felon’ or the Fascist,” the choice is yours, America.  Choose wiselypeople.


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