

Friday, June 14, 2024

'Tainted and corrupted': Gingrich calls on GOP-led House to 'repudiate' Jan. 6 Committee

 Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Friday excoriated the now-defunct House Jan. 6 Committee, contending that its findings were based on a "false product" and urging Congress to repudiate its activities.

"This committee, the J6 committee, was so fraudulent, that the current House should repudiate it, define it as an illegal or unethical, runaway investigation of no standing," Gingrich said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "[A]nd [it] should send a letter to both the Department of Justice and to the appropriate judges, saying that any action based on the J6 committee should be considered null and void and that people like Steve Bannon should not be going to jail because they want to fight with a committee which was literally operating outside the law."

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Gingrich slams J6 Committee for being ‘totally dishonest,’ as behavior of evidence tampering, destroying documents emergeGingrich slams J6 Committee for being ‘totally dishonest,’ as behavior of evidence tampering, destroying documents emerge
00:00 / 48:40
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The Jan. 6 panel was an investigative committee run by the then-Democratic House that investigated the events of and leading up to the disturbance of at the U.S. Capitol on that date. The committee included only two Republicans, former Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney and former Illinois GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, both of whom voted to impeach former President Donald Trump.

Both former Trump advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon have been convicted of contempt of Congress over their refusal to comply with subpoenas from the committee. Navarro is currently in custody at a Miami federal prison while Bannon has been ordered to report to prison next month.

"I think this is such a tainted and corrupted process," he also said. "And I think it has to be repealed by the House, and repudiated by the House. And I think that the court and the Justice Department have to take into account that anybody who had a conflict with this committee was dealing with an out of control, illegal operation."

"Their findings are based on a totally false product," he said of the panel. "And the people who were subpoenaed by them who refused to agree, we now know, we're on the right, that in fact, what you have here is a runaway select committee. That was totally dishonest."

Gingrich took particular aim at Cheney, contending that she was motivated by her desire to take down the former commander-in-chief to such a degree, that she was willing to ignore the law to achieve that end.

"I mean, we've we're in a period here where the establishment is just sick. And we have a chance to correct the record historically," he said. "And I think people will be astonished at how bad was Cheney was, how much she broke the rules, and how basically, she wanted to destroy Trump so badly, that she didn't care that in the process, she was breaking the laws."

"This committee destroyed all of its records. Now. That is, that is totally illegal, because we have others talk about Trump and Biden and their records. While I tell you what the J6 committee did, deliberately and methodically, was 1000 times worse than anything either Trump or Biden had done in terms of records," he contended.

"They did it deliberately. And they did it because they didn't want other people to figure out what they've been doing," he concluded.


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