

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bombshell Benghazi Expose Details Obama’s Illegal Secret War…

More Gun Running?? These guys are above the law?? You decide?

A bombshell expose on the Benghazi Massacre is just now circulating various media outlets - and it paints a very dubiouspicture of what the Obama administration has been involved in during its secret war in North Africa and the Middle East.
Covert operations: The book claims that the attack was a retaliation for U.S. military raids on Libyan militants ordered by John Brennan, President Barack Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser
(John Brennan oversaw a massive illegal weapons program throughout North Africa and the Middle East at the direction of Barack Obama himself.  Now he is in line to be the country’s next CIA Director.   No bad deed goes unrewarded inside the Obama administration…)
EXCERPT (via Mail Online)
Brandon Webb, a former Navy SEAL, and Jack Murphy, a formerGreen Beret, reveal the new claims in their book ‘Benghazi: The Definitive Report’
  • Petraeus was humiliated after a ‘palace coup’ by high-level intelligence officers who did not like the way he was running the CIA, authors say
  • The book also claims that Petraeus and Ambassador Chris Stevens were caught off guard by Benghazi consulate attack because they weren’t briefed about on-going U.S. military operations in Libya
  • Webb and Murphy say Benghazi attack was a retaliation for secret raids authorized by Obama security adviser John Brennan
‘Benghazi: The Definitive Report’ is a short read at just 83 pages. However, it is packed with little-known details and exclusive information and background about the consulate attack. Here are a few key excerpts from the book:
  • (Deputy National Security Advisor) John Brennan also ran a highly compartmentalized program out of the White House in regard to weapons transfers, and Stevens would not have been trusted with that type of information. Stevens likely helped consolidate as many weapons as possible after the war to safeguard them, at which point Brennan exported them overseas to start another conflict.
-Behind closed doors, President Obama had given his counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, carte blanche to run operations in North Africa and the Middle East, provided he didn’t do anything that ended up becoming an expose in The New York Times and embarrassing the administration. In 2012, a secret war across North Africa was well underway.   LINK
Barack Obama was utilizing the massive stash of Libyan weapons made available after the fall of longtime Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi to initiate and arm further unsupervised military actions throughout North Africa and the Middle East.  This ongoing operation was directly coordinated, according to this newly published report, by then Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan – given wide discretion by President Barack Obama to do so – with Obama’s only caveat to Brennan basically being  DON”T GET CAUGHT.
Add this information to the timing of former CIA Director David Petraeus’ hasty resignation from the Obama administration, (to be replaced by John Brennan no less) and we have the clear makings of a massive cover-up of a highly illegal and far-reaching gun running program by the Obama White House.  Many have speculated in recent months this was what was going on before the events that ultimately led to the Benghazi Massacre.  Now it appears that speculation is forming into known fact.
Cover for 'Dominatus – Free Excerpt'

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence – it is force.  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and fearful master.”
-George Washington
Chu shook his head, his charge gun still pointed at Mac.
“Yes we do Mr. Walker…under the Compliance Laws of the New United Nations as approved by the Great Consulate, Barack Obama.”
“I don’t comply with the f*cking compliance laws of Barack Obama, the New United Nations…none of that globalist bullsh*t. I serve the United States of America. I follow those laws…that Constitution.”
August Hess laughed aloud.
“Oh Jesus you people and your oh-so-persistent failure to recognize reality! Barack Obama…the New United Nations…that IS the reality! The United States? Get with the times Mr. Walker…that world is long dead. Now hand over your weapon…and shut…the f*ck…up.   LINK


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