

Saturday, February 2, 2013

MSNBC Host Toure’ Neblett: Thank God for Abortion

This Idiot Should have been Aborted, then we would not have to listen to Liberal Crap come out of this Idiots mouth on a made for Idiots network!

A clip of an MSNBC host thanking God for abortion is making the round today and provoking negative remarks from pro-life advocates who have seen it.
Touré Neblett, a co-host of The Cycle on MSNBC, is garnering criticism from pro-life advocates today after thanking the Lord for abortion and saying, “I cannot imagine arguing against a woman’s right to control her own body, and thus her life.”
He also talked about how he and his girlfriend had an abortion, saying, “I thank God and country” that abortion was there when he wanted it.
Before the election, he came under fire for the tweet: “Girls, get your abortions NOW in case the Republicans win.”
Conservative writer Ed Morrissey responds to the piece saying:
Frankly, I think Touré is a little confused here.  It’s easy to support abortion as a “safety net” if one doesn’t believe in God.  That reduces human life to its utilitarian value, which makes it easier (although hardly automatic) to assume that abortion has no consequences worth considering past the immediate.  Plenty of atheists oppose abortion, too, on the basis of innate human rights to life, but at least support for abortion would make sense from a perspective that excludes God.
But to “thank God for abortion” demonstrates a lack of proper formation in religion … or just a bit of demagoguery intended to put on a fake faith to assume speakership for that contingent of people.  If Touré really believes in God, perhaps he should take the time to find out what God says about pretty much the entire arc of behavior that Touré admits in this brief clip; if he’s more inclined to stick with science, better learn about scientific definitions of life and embryology.  If he plans to stick with demagoguery, well, he’s doing just fine as it is.

Conservative writer Katie Pavlich adds:
During a segment last week, Toure went on what he called an abortion rant in which he thanked God and country abortion was there to “save him” at a time when taking care of a baby and becoming a father would have been inconvenient for him. He also refers to abortion as a “safety net.” …
Got that? Toure was willing to end the life of an unborn child so his own life could remain convenient and less responsible. He’s proud of it, too. His argument is similar to that of the one made in Salon last week titled, “So what if abortion ends a life?”


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