

Friday, February 8, 2013

Obama Fears Telling the Truth in State of the Union Address

(PP)- United States President Barack Hussein Obama has been invited by Congress to deliver his annual State of the Union speech on Tuesday, February 12.
oboHouse Speaker John Boehner says the country faces tremendous challenges after the last four years of being led by a President without a conscience, and that Americans expect Congress and the White House to fight like cats and dogs over the next four years.
The White House says Obama has accepted the invitation, although the hyper sensitive President was fearful that he may have to admit that everything is not George W. Bush’s fault.
Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina will be in attendance next Tuesday despite White House objections. Obama’s handlers are wary of Wilson’s rare brand of courage that allows him to call someone a liar to their face.
“The President really, really doesn’t want to make this speech,” said a White House intern. “And that’s saying something because making speeches is all he is good at.
obo v“But how would you feel if you had to lie to America and tell people that the state of the union is strong, when really… it’s a mess. On top of that you might have to mention George Bush hasn’t been President for quite a while.” added the intern.
Last year, Obama delivered the State of the Union speech on Jan. 24 when he was in full campaign mode, and lying came naturally. This year, the President may need to be more honest because he hasn’t yet changed the Constitution allowing him to campaign for a third term.
“Republicans try to make a big deal about everything,” said a lobbyist with Planned Parenthood. “But Obama keeps telling us in the White House that the debt, deficit, tax increases, credit rating, terrorism, illegal immigration, crime, defense, guns, abortion,democracy and the American values system are not important.”
Insiders say that Obama will focus his comments on investing other people’s money on roads, bridges….. and education. He will also throw in a comment about adding cops and firefighters to make people feel safe, and have Michelle surrounded by kids from Sandy Hook as a way to argue for gun control. Mainly though, he will promote class warfare, big government and the benefits of not criticizing Arab terrorists.
rubioCountering President Obama’s speech full of lies and exaggerations will be Republican Senator Marco Rubio, and he will deliver the truthful GOP response to Mr. Hussein Obama’s shameless State of the Union. Rubio is capable of responding in both English and Spanish.
“Marco Rubio embodies the optimism that lies at the heart of the Republican vision for America,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican.
While the President is speaking, the White House will be hosting famous Democrat celebrities for the second State of the Union Social event. The White House Social program invites cool people with a lot of money to party at the White House and cheer the deceiver in chief on as he promises a bunch of free stuff to his 51% voting block.
The Palookaville Post has learned that along with a slew of liberal celebrities, the White House has invited leaders from communist and socialist countries to attend the event, and watch the President “show ‘em how it’s done.” All attendees will receive Obama’s new government instruction manual entitled, “Democrats, Socialists, Communists… Big Government Done Right.”

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