

Saturday, September 28, 2024

As San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris let a killer with a rotting corpse in his bathtub off easy -report

 Kamala Harris has been telling voters what a tough prosecutor she was on criminals when she was in San Francisco and Sacramento as an elected official.

But the New York Post uncovered a different story involving a rotting corpse and a perpetrator who was part of a protected political interest group, whom she let off with the lightest of plea deals -- just six years in prison, with most of it credit for time served.

According to the Post:

A man who brutally killed a gay, Vietnam War veteran in 2002 and then lived with the body for a month was given a sweetheart plea deal by then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris — outraging the community at the time.

Gary Lee Ober met his killer James McKinnon at a bar in San Francisco and took him to his apartment in Glen Park. After a scuffle, McKinnon stabbed Ober to death.

As Ober’s corpse rotted in a bathtub, McKinnon covered it with baking soda to help cover the odor. When Stephanie Henry, Ober’s neighbor, came to call on him, a well-dressed McKinnon came to the door and told her that Ober was on a $7,000 Walt Disney cruise vacation he’d won, SFGate reported at the time.

The details were bad, and Harris would have known they were bad.

The Post continued:

“I am still in therapy,” Henry told The Post this week, saying she remembered the day she looked out her own peep hole and noticed flies buzzing around her door. Eventually the fire department was called.

“[The firemen] broke the window and went in and he came out and [the firefighter] was white as snow,” she recalled.

“The maggots were in droves. Millions of maggots,” Henry recalled. “If it wasn’t for my mom being there to support me, I probably would have gone into the hospital for a week or so.”

In a jailhouse confession, McKinnon said he acted in self defense – a claim belied by the fact that Ober suffered from a back condition and had difficulty walking, according to the local Bay Area Reporter.

President Trump's former advisor and ambassador to Germany, Ric Grenell, who is gay, had the only decent response to that prosecutorial travesty, which was to show some kind of compassion for the victim of this monster, simply on objective grounds:

But that wasn't Kamala Harris. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem took major flak for lacking empathy for dogs a few months ago, but Kamala Harris's attitude towards a victim of a really grisly murder takes callousness to different level.

It's strange stuff, too, given that Tulsi Gabbard, back in 2019, exposed Harris's nasty record as a prosecutor keeping petty marijuana offenders in prison beyond their sentences, in order to use their labor to fight wildfires. She also cited unethical behavior regarding withheld testimony in a death penalty case, probably to look "tough on crime" there, too.

From the 2019 New York Times transcript:

Gabbard: The bottom line is, when you were in a position to make a difference and an impact in these people's lives, you did not and worse yet in the case of those who are on death row, innocent people, you actually blocked evidence from being revealed that would have freed them until you were forced to do so. There's no excuse for that and the people who suffered under your reign as prosecutor — you owe them an apology.

So she goes easy on the rotting corpse killer, and hard on the pot smoker who's already in the can?

It seemingly makes no sense -- she's draconian and unjust on some criminals, and lets others off easy when they should have had the book thrown at them.

The problem can be explained by one common denominator -- politics, a loyalty to politics and to her political masters well above any principle of law.

The extended detention of pot smokers in order to have their labor handy to fight wildfires would have obviously been a favor to the governor, who'd be on the spot if there wasn't enough labor to fight the fires and homes began going up in flames.

In the same way, the Post noted that the soft stance from Harris on the bathtub killer was based on special interest politics:

Elliot Beckelman, an assistant DA who worked on the case told The Post that “gay panic” had been a factor in the decision to go easy on him.

“His defense was of a sexual provocation,” Beckelman recalled. “Unfortunately that was prevalent 20 or 25 years ago, back then it was not an uncommon defense … I don’t have any regrets on how this went down.”

Kamala Harris defended the plea deal at the time, saying, “I support my lawyers” and that “every case is different, with a different set of facts and circumstances.”

In other words, it, too, was political expediency. The guy was gay, so he got let off easy, given the ruling gay politics of the time.

Does this sound like maybe someone who'd politicize justice as president? All political enemies and politically inconvenient people get the book thrown at them, while every illegal, transgender, and Black Lives Matter person, as well as other favored groups, nevertheless convicted of a grisly crime, would get off easy? How's the lawfare going to go with Harris in the White House?

This clearly is an extremely unprincipled person who blows with the wind and what her political masters ask of her every time. The rotting corpse in the bathtub and the killer who got a slap on the wrist tells the true story about why she shouldn't be in the White House running this country.


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