

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The masks slips: Kamala Harris scowls and gets nasty with black journalists when she thinks no one is looking

It really doesn't  look like Joy to me?

 Apparently, fawning is not enough.

Kamala Harris recently spoke to a National Association of Black Journalists panel and gave the friendly, on-her-side reporters this treatment when she thought the cameras were off:

She frowns. She gives them the short shrift, smile barely there, shakes hands, and gets the hell out, a scowl visible on her face as she leaves.

The reaction on the faces of the reporters there was priceless.

Which tells us a lot about the nature of Harris.

Sure, we know she's a phony. She makes up stories about herself and her upbringing and tells outright lies. She sure as heck doesn't know what Economics 101 is, but she pretends she does. She pretends Willie Brown, who gave her her start at his knee, doesn't exist. She does phony accents to pander to different audiences -- black, ghetto-black, Southern black, Obama, French, and her latest a Mexican-maid parody accent.

The worst fakery, though, is her "joy" schtick, wherein she pretends to be happy and "joyful" to her adoring crowds, exuding in their applause and the prospect of getting behind the Oval Office desk, like she's seen in the television shows. She's the happy, joyful Kamala in striking contrast to the frowning, poker-faced Trump who says the country is on the wrong track.

It's fake as can be, because while she projects that image, she's actually nasty as cat-doo when no one's looking.

We know this from various leaks on Twitter about her rages at her staff over her various failures. We also know that from reports that she has had a 92% staff turnover in three and a half years, unable to keep staff on staff because she has the behind-the-scenes personality of Meghan Markle.

Now the mask has slipped a little at least in her rude, blow-the-off-I'm-out-of-this-joint behavior towards black journalists who no doubt gave her the royal treatment.

It wasn't enough. She's mean as can be when she thinks the cameras are off, and she'll maintain that 'joy' persona only for as long as she has to. After that, the witch comes out.

Voters beware.


If you read the utter bullshit from her mouth you know she is lying!  You know they  want to shut up people that don't agree with them and they want your guns.  Komrad has mentioned in so many words controlling energy, food and manufacturing, Obama healthcare and the banking system.  Check out how Venezuela is doing now and check out Cuba.  Work together and cool the temperature is the biggest line of Crap coming from her


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