

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Who knew that too many people would create a problem?

 Once upon a time, immigrants came into the U.S. in an orderly fashion. I think that they call that "immigration," a policy enforced by every country to control the chaos and disorder that happens with open borders.

Well, enter the Biden-Harris approach and now we have chaos. Who knew that chaos would happen? The chaos extends to homelessness.  Let's check this out from the New York Post:

Open-borders fanatics claim their policies come from a place of deep empathy, but a cursory look at US homeless data proves they’re lying.

January saw at least 550,000 people reported homeless -- up 10% over the January 2023 figure, then the highest ever reported.

It’s no coincidence that same month saw the highest-ever number of illegal immigrants jumping the southern US border.    

Indeed, Massachusetts data show that nearly half of the families in the state’s family shelter system are migrants. 

Despite what the border-erasers scream, it’s commonsensical that the entry of huge numbers of people with no jobs or homes (or easy ways of getting either) would swell the ranks of the homeless. 

Or that the new arrivals (most of them totally dependent on government benefits) would immediately become enormous drains on the social-services capacities of the towns and cities where they land. 

To see the magnitude of the crisis, look at the projected cost of the migrant tsunami to New York City: expected to be north of $12 billion through next year. 

Imagine what the picture looks like in the tiny towns like Eagle Pass and smaller cities like El Paso near ground zero of the crisis. 

Imagine El Paso or Eagle Pass? Why do you think that Governor Greg Abbott started bussing? The reason was twofold. First, sending them to sanctuary cities. Second, he was relieving pressure in the border cities.

Who saw these problems coming? You bring millions into your country without a plan and you get an unplanned outcome? Who knew that? Well, we know now.




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