

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

‘Defectors’ — Democrats turn their wrath on Hispanic Americans and denigrate them as people who have ‘something to prove’ to whites

 “Defectors.” That seems to be the new slur for the Hispanic Americans who are abandoning the Democrat party and turning to President Trump and the MAGA movement as a solution to the open border criminal bonanza consuming the nation.

The Democrat party is hemorrhaging the Latino vote, so out come the knives. Here’s an update from X, just a few days back:

Like a black American “defector” is denigrated as an Uncle Tom or a race-traitor, so is a Hispanic American “defector” mocked as being a pitiful, sorry loser who’s got “something to prove” to white Americans. At least, that’s the narrative painted by Paola Ramos in her piece published at The Atlantic yesterday. (Ramos is the author of a brand new book, released today, and titled, Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means for America.)

Pedro Antonio Aguero, or “Conservative Anthony”, is a Texas-based young Hispanic American citizen journalist who focuses his reporting on the border situation and the relevant crises, and in the summer of 2022, Ramos joined Aguero for a ride-along in the El Paso area. Here’s what Ramos wrote of her time with Aguero:

He [Aguero] was born and raised in El Paso, a child of Mexican immigrants. Like many Latinos in South Texas, he grew up a Democrat. But Aguero now believes that the Democratic Party is allowing an ‘invasion’ across the southern border. And the popularity of his content—his followers total more than 100,000 across different social-media platforms—suggests that he’s not alone.

Aguero is an extreme example of a broader phenomenon. Many Latinos have shifted to the right on immigration in recent years, warming up to the ideas of building a wall, shutting down the southern border, and even conducting mass deportations. Support for Donald Trump among Latino voters grew by 8 percentage points from the 2016 to the 2020 presidential election, and polls suggest that Trump continues to make inroads with Latino voters leading up to the 2024 election. Anti-immigrant sentiment often comes from a place of fear. People may be afraid that immigrants will take something from them: jobs, opportunities, or, perhaps more profoundly, a sense of their own national and cultural identity. But I have come to understand that anti-immigrant Latinos aren’t just afraid of loss. Unlike white Americans, they also have something to prove: that they, too, belong in America.

Why does someone like Aguero need to “prove” he belongs in America? As far as I’m concerned—a white, conservative Trump-voter—Aguero belongs as much as I do. He’s a citizen, and given his political disposition, he embraces the values that made America great: individual responsibility, limited government, law and order, property rights, etc.

Is Ramos suggesting Aguero has to prove he belongs because he’s brown? Because that would be extremely bigoted.

You know who doesn’t belong in America though? All the Democrats voting to make this nation a socialist and communist one. They keep promising to expatriate, but for some reason they’re still here; a nation so great, even its haters refuse to leave!

Apparently to the progressives, blacks and latinos are not entitled to vote in their own best interests, because they’re pawns, subservient to the whims of the ruling Democrat elites. It doesn’t matter how poorly the Democrats treat them, and it doesn’t matter that Democrat rule always means the further destruction of black and brown communities.

Here’s what else Ramos wrote:

Many people would empathize with those making this crossing, but Aguero does not. He often criticizes mainstream news outlets for portraying asylum seekers as vulnerable people, and was keen to convince me that the people crossing the border—‘all males looking like Ninja Turtles’—were dangerous. Online, I had seen Aguero call immigrants ‘roaches.’ Many of the young men he chased had the same accent as Aguero, the same color skin—their ancestors came from the same places. I got the feeling that by hunting them, he was distancing himself from them, and from his own foreignness.

Is Ramos just supremely stupid, or suffering from serious cognitive dissonance? Countless “asylum seekers” are actually bona fide criminals released from South American prisons, many of whom belong to vicious Latin gangs—I’d say that Laken Riley, the Americans trapped by gang activity in Aurora, Rachel Morin, Mollie Tibbetts, Jocelyn Nungaray, and many others who’ve experienced the violence firsthand would certainly call these people “dangerous.” And, I’d certainly call these murderous, trafficking, scumbags “roaches” in certain contexts... if the shoe fits! Funny, Ramos doesn’t offer the entire quote.

Now, I’m not sure whether Aguero’s parents immigrated legally or illegally, and naturally I don’t appreciate any violation of American sovereignty whatsoever, but the immigrants of years past (legal or illegal) are starkly different from the ones pouring over in the invasion we see today. Comparing our European ancestors, who built an entire civilization from the wilds of the New World, to third-world foreigners hopping on a prepaid Biden-Harris flight and then signing up for endless welfare handouts, is a travesty. And, many of the illegal immigrants of years past, while they certainly had no right to be here, came and assimilated to the American way of life—unlike Democrat “newcomers” we see today. Aguero belongs regardless, because he’s clearly taking on the civic duty that comes with citizneship. I can’t say the same for the hordes destroying our entire nation.

I recall several years back reading a book by Booker T. Washington titled, Up from Slavery. Without tracking on the nuances of which historical blacks the left loves and which ones they hate, I suggested to a progressive family member that she read his work. Her response? Exactly like Ramos’s—Washington didn’t actually believe the things he wrote, and he didn’t actually observe what he claims to have observed (she as the white savior would know!), he was just a pathetic, sycophantic, lying dog who wanted to “fit in” with the whites. After all, she’d read Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility.

Seriously, these people are detestable.

Will the race-baiting ever end?



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