

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ohio County Sheriff Under Fire After Urging Residents to Record Addresses of Harris Supporters to Send Illegal Immigrants to Their Homes

 So the Marxist Stinking Commies on the Marxist Left can put personal info or locations out on Constitutional Judges and thats ok.  This guy does what he did here and they Left goes after him

Bruce Zuchowski/Facebook

In yet another blatant example of Democrats’ willingness to silence anyone who dares to expose their hypocritical policies, Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski is under fire after his bold suggestion that residents should take note of homes displaying Kamala Harris yard signs—those same homes should be opened up to the very illegal immigrants that Harris and her leftist allies are so eager to flood into American communities.

Sheriff Zuchowski, a staunch Trump supporter, had the audacity to state what many hardworking Americans are thinking—if Harris supporters want open borders, they should bear the responsibility of hosting these “human locusts,” as the sheriff unapologetically called them.

His remarks ignited a firestorm among local liberals who couldn’t handle the truth being spoken so plainly.

In a Facebook post earlier this month, Zuchowski called out Harris, mocking her as a “Flip-Flopping, Laughing Hyena,” referencing her unpredictable stances and dismissive attitude toward real issues like immigration.

“When people ask me…What’s gonna happen if the Flip – Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say…write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards! Sooo…when the Illegal human “Locust” (which she supports!) Need places to live…We’ll already have the addresses of the their New families…who supported their arrival!” Zuchowski wrote on Facebook.

Screenshot: Bruce Zuchowski/Facebook

But instead of embracing the sheriff’s challenge, local Democrats immediately pounced, scrambling to remove him from his election security duties. Apparently, ensuring secure elections is not something Democrats want a sheriff with strong American values overseeing.

In a 3-1 vote by the Portage County Board of Elections, Zuchowski was stripped of his responsibilities to protect absentee voters—a decision made not based on law, but on leftist fears of accountability.

The Ohio Secretary of State’s Office cleared Zuchowski, finding that his post did not break any election laws, according to the Daily Beast.

Still, the outcry from left-wing activists, led by the local NAACP chapter, has fueled unnecessary hysteria.

Frank Hairson, a spokesperson for the group, fanned the flames, claiming that Harris supporters were suddenly afraid to vote. Afraid? Or just upset they were called out for their glaring hypocrisy?

In a public statement, Democrat Randi Clites, the county elections board chair, insinuated that having deputies present at polling stations would somehow intimidate voters.

Really? Is it intimidating for law-abiding citizens to see law enforcement ensuring a safe election? Or is this just another excuse for Democrats to strip authority from anyone who challenges their dangerous immigration policies?

Zuchowski, for his part, didn’t back down. While the sheriff acknowledged that his comments were perhaps “a little misinterpreted,” he clearly stands by the essence of his message. 

He wrote:

“As the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Portage County, I have sworn to protect ALL citizens of my County. Recently, I placed a post on my personal facebook page that may have been a little misinterpreted??

I…as the elected sheriff, do have a first amendment right as do all citizens. If the citizens of Portage County want to elect an individual who has supported open borders (which I’ve personally visited Twice!) and neglected to enforce the laws of our Country…then that is their prerogative. With elections, there are consequences. That being said…I believe that those who vote for individuals with liberal policies have to accept responsibility for their actions! I am a Law Man…Not a Politician!

I would also like to Thank…The Overwhelming Support I am receiving from many people in Portage County who are afraid or are Not allowed to agree with me publicly!

Stay Strong and God Bless!!”

Democrats want open borders for others, but when it comes to sharing the burden, they’ll be the first to virtue-signal from their gated communities, far removed from the real consequences of their actions.

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