

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Democrat Arizona Senate Candidate Lauren Kuby Opposes Felony Charges for Cartel Drug Traffickers Pushing Fentanyl on Kids, Calls for Open Borders and Blanket Citizenship for Illegals

 Another Anti American Scumbag


In a stunning admission during the Arizona Senate debate, Democrat candidate Lauren Kuby revealed her dangerous agenda for our southern border.

Kuby, who is running on a platform of radical immigration reform, stated that she does not support charging cartel drug traffickers who sell fentanyl to children with a Class 2 felony.

“My opponent doesn’t believe in legal immigration, only ILLEGAL! She is against Prop 314 which 63% of Arizonans want. She says selling fentanyl to kids doesn’t need to be a Class 2 felony. Kuby is too extreme for Arizona,” said Roxana Holzapfel (R), who is running for AZ Senate LD8.

This comes at a time when fentanyl deaths are skyrocketing across Arizona, with Maricopa County seeing a shocking 5,000% increase since 2015.

Instead of holding traffickers accountable, Kuby wants to open our borders even wider and grant blanket citizenship to illegal immigrants.

“We need the Dream Act to pass. We need to find pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. And we need to overhaul the visa system so we can address labor shortages and reunify families. I embrace a humanitarian approach and want our state to treat migrants with dignity and respect. That means improving conditions in detention centers and ensuring that people have access to legal representation,” said Kuby.

Is this the kind of leadership Arizonans want? A candidate who prioritizes lawbreakers over the safety of American families? The Democrats’ open-border policies are not only reckless but deadly.

With fentanyl, human trafficking, and violent gangs pouring through our southern border, Kuby’s plan is nothing short of a disaster.

During the debate, Kuby’s opponent, Roxana Holzapfel, a former police officer, blasted her for this dangerous stance. Holzapfel supports Prop 314, which would make it a Class 2 felony for drug traffickers whose actions result in death.

“Fentanyl is the deadliest drug in Arizona now, and it’s flowing freely and unchecked across our border. More than three people on average die every day from fentanyl. We all probably know or have known friends or family who have died from this horrible drug. It doesn’t have to be this way. As a former police officer, I understand how critical law and order are to society,” said Holzapfel.

“Regarding Prop 314, let’s understand something: this is about arresting those witnessed crossing the border illegally. This is not about someone driving down the streets of Tempe, getting pulled over, and getting thrown out.

“This is specifically for those witnessed crossing the border illegally, allowing them to be arrested. The best part of Prop 314 is that it makes it a class 2 felony. So, people knowingly selling fentanyl that results in a death are now charged with a class 2 felony. So, my answer is yes, I do support Prop 314,” she added.

Kuby, however, dismissed the proposal as “dangerous” and warned that it would hurt Arizona’s economy—despite the fact that the ongoing fentanyl crisis is already wreaking havoc on Arizona communities.

“To me, it’s a very dangerous law, and it’s going to hurt our economy tremendously. Just look at the leader of your party. There was a bipartisan bill that the Senate and the House came up with in Congress, and former President Trump put the kibosh on it because he didn’t want Biden to look good by passing comprehensive reform. SB 1070 has cost us so much money, and I don’t want to go down that path again. This is much worse, and it’s much more hateful. It’s wrong for Arizona. It’s wrong for our families. It’s wrong for our economy.”

Holzapfel didn’t back down.

“If I may, just because you say it doesn’t make it so. This is not about local police officers running around town and arresting people. This is about witnessing illegal entries at the border. And since you bring up the current administration, there should have been no need for any type of Senate bill or anything because the current President, I believe we have a current President, stopped everything we had in place to keep our borders secure from the former President Trump. We are in this crisis now because of his actions—Biden’s.”



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