

Monday, September 30, 2024

Trump: the January 6 narrative crumbles

January 6. To hear those suffering from terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome, it was an insurrection—caused by Trump--worse than the Civil War, worse than Pearl Harbor, a horrendous, nation-shattering event.  Poor Kamala Harris barely escaped with her life, despite being at DNC Headquarters at the time, where the surely fake bomb threat was unfolding. Even AOC was in mortal danger, despite being in an entirely different building. It was the insurrection where no insurrectionists brought guns, and the only deaths were protestors killed by the Capitol Police. It was an insurrection where the insurrectionists were invited inside and escorted by Capitol Police, where they comfortably chatted, took in the sights, took selfies and willingly left a few hours later and Congress completed its business. Even so, on January 6, “our democracy” hung by a thread.

We know that because the report of the January 6 Committee said it was all Trump’s fault. They could have issued that report before their first meeting, but what would have been the fun in that?  Besides, all the on-air, Hollywood-scripted posturing was essential to Liz Cheney’s election efforts, which resulted in one of the most epic defeats in American electoral history. Wyomingites are still chuckling about that.

Donald Trump had the temerity to point out the “insurrection” began long before he stopped speaking at a venue a half-hour walk—1.6 miles--from the Capitol. He also incited those present by telling them to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” and after the riot began, he issued statements telling everyone to “stay peaceful,” and to “go home,” which they soon did.

Unsurprisingly, the J6 Committee ignored these facts.  

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They also ignored that on January 3, Trump authorized up to 10,000 National Guard troops to guard the capital.  Generals Kellogg, Milley and SecDef Miller were present. Kellogg confirmed Trump’s order.  Trump also offered the same to Nancy Pelosi, who refused.  Others present at the time such as Stephen Miller confirmed the offer and her refusal. Pelosi and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser reportedly refused because they thought the “optics” would be bad. Since then, the usual “fact checkers” have claimed no such meeting/offers took place.

In the meantime, the Orange Man Bad narrative has suffered damage. A House subcommittee chaired by Barry Loudermilk (R, GA) recently released video obtained from HBO. It was filmed by Nancy Pelosi’s daughter on Jan. 6, 2021, but the J6 Committee destroyed it, along with much else it was required to retain.

The bulk of these new videos show then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly saying “I take full responsibility.” Additionally, she discusses the firing of U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, still, she stresses that blaming anyone besides Trump would be a "diversionary tactic." 

“We have totally failed. We have to take some responsibility for not holding the security accountable for what could have happened.”

“Oh my god, I cannot believe the stupidity of this. And I take the full responsibility.”

For Pelosi, taking “full responsibility” has consisted of blaming Trump.

On September 23, the narrative caved in.  Just The News reported:  

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Then-President Donald Trump gave clear instructions to Pentagon brass days before the Jan. 6 riots to “do whatever it takes” to keep the U.S. Capitol safe, including deploying National Guard or active-duty troops, but top officials did not comply because of political concerns, according to transcripts of bombshell interviews conducted by the Defense Department's chief watchdog that shine new light on government disfunction ahead of the historic tragedy.

Among the revelations:

*Trump told General Mark Milley to have enough soldiers or Guard present to ensure a safe event on Jan. 6.

*SecDef Mark Miller assured Trump they had a plan and everything was covered.

But Miller lied:

“There was absolutely -- there is absolutely no way I was putting U.S. military forces at the Capitol, period,” Miller told the inspector general during his March 2021 interview.

He didn’t like the optics of armed troops at the Capitol, and intended to use a small number only for traffic and similar duties. He admitted his disobedience of Trump’s order was political:

"...I hate to use the word optics because it’s been used and so prejudicially and negatively. It wasn’t the optics. It was like there was would have been huge political consequences that, because that’s what I got paid to do. If I had the factor in the politics of this and that was my concern is the situation does not warrant at this time U.S. military forces.”

Contrast their concern for “optics” with the optics of thousands of troops ringing the Capitol after Jan. 6.

If your opinion of the Harris/Biden Administration’s persecution of Donald Trump was already low, now you know it’s not nearly low enough. 




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