

Monday, September 23, 2024

MUST READ: One Citizen Platform Has Found a Way to Catch the Fraudulent Ballots and Illegal Voters Before November 1st – Here’s How They Are Doing It


This week, a group of citizens, attorneys, investigators, writers, former elected officials, tech entrepreneurs unveiled a powerful technology platform to even up the fight with Leftist NGOs stealing U.S. elections.

Their site, StopBogusBallots.com is an initiative of Common Sense Elections, a PAC applying quantum speed technology, innovative, successful legal strategies, top flight investigative talent – to exposing mail-ballots from nonsensical addresses BEFORE the votes get counted.

2024 will be decided by mail-in ballots, from 7 swing states, each of which is currently too close to call.

NGOs are active in each swing state, operating ballot mills registering illegal aliens and other migrants – capturing their ballots – and voting them.

The Common Sense Elections Dark Money Tracking System tracks every NGO influencing U.S. elections – dollars they spend, dollars they receive.

There is no organization in America, who can, with 3 clicks from a phone, expose every connection between the Chinese Progressive Association, Tides Advocacy, down to Leftist street-level GET-OUT-THE-VOTE organizations impacting the 2024 election.

Now there is – and the Common Sense Elections team is publishing the roadmap of influence, from foreign and domestic actors secretly impacting the 2024 election – using Fractal quantum technology.

The first Fractal analysis of Dark Money groups is available today at StopBogusBallots.com.

Common Sense Elections identified over 500,000 ineligible addresses – each – in Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin, over 1.4 million in Pennsylvania.

These addresses may receive a mail-in ballot which could be intercepted by a Leftist NGO to vote for their candidate.

StopBogusBallots.com does not simply find an anomaly; they cross-search it with property tax records, real-time U.S. postal change of address records, and other databases to challenge a mail-in ballot before it is counted rather than litigate afterward.

The product is a ballot challenge – with full documentation – from an official government document – like a property tax entry – and a street level photo – delivered weeks or days BEFORE the ballots are counted.

Let’s say Phineas votes from 135 Elmont Street.

The voter roll reveals nothing about the address.

Common Sense Elections cross-searches property tax rolls, which informs us that the address is a vacant lot in an abandoned mall with no bedrooms.

Phineas may well vote in person.

Common Sense Elections is not about stopping anyone from voting – they just don’t think it is OK to send a mail-in ballot to a vacant lot – because an NGO may intercept it and vote it.

Phineas is NOT going to receive a mail-in ballot because mail, particularly a ballot, is not delivered to a vacant lot.

Should a ballot come from that address, Common Sense Elections, or affiliated groups can challenge it, consistent with Wisconsin procedure, before it is counted.

How could Phineas get a mail-in ballot where a mail-in ballot cannot be delivered?

But he did get that ballot!  He cannot get it in the mail!  The ballot is then cast!

Multiply such examples by the thousands, with different details, yielding the same result.

The Common Sense Elections team worked with Fractal quantum speed technology for the last 3 years perfecting how to successfully apply such a strategy.

In 2022, that strategy impacted enough bogus ballots – saving the U.S. Senate seat for Senator Ron Johnson.

Before Common Sense Elections built its site, citizens across America, reading a Substack article mulling this action – pledged over $350,000.  More is flowing in every day.

Citizens can now donate to a group of legal street fighters, using advanced technology, who rang the bell in Wisconsin impacting a U.S. Senate race – and bring the fight to those who are undermining U.S. elections – IN PLAIN SIGHT.

The StopBogusBallots.com SCOREBOARD shows how many ballots in Wisconsin – to start – followed by Michigan and Pennsylvania as funding continues – come from ineligible addresses.

Here’s how the 2024 game may change:

It’s November 1.

Wisconsin polling shows a close race.

The Wisconsin StopBogusBallots.com scoreboard shows 75,000 ballots flagged from ineligible addresses.  These are cast, not yet counted.

Wisconsin will likely be won by 25,000 ballots – and before the first vote is counted, citizens know who won – nobody – because the ineligible ballots outnumber the winner’s margin – by a lot.

For the first time, documented evidence is in place before the steal.

Every flagged ballot has a property tax record showing it is a coffee shop or a U.S.P.S. entry showing it to be undeliverable.

Records from Marriott and Days Inn websites show ballots from hotels—by the thousands—and time series quantum speed analysis shows 30 people sending in ballots from one hotel for 15 years.

Colleges and university dorms are outed for the first time.

Students sending in ballots from a frat house, some 105 years old, voting from the same frat house for 20 years – may determine the next President and Congress.

Americans will not be OK with this!

The preposterousness of the voter rolls is being outed – and in some states, like Arizona, its citizens may well see hundreds to thousands of ballots coming from LEGALLY UNDELIVERABLE ADDRESSES LIKE A STREET CORNER which is legal in that ridiculous state.

Every American can see – in plain sight – the scoreboard – and 75,000 ballots, perhaps more, came in from laughable places – like a Walmart or gas station – in a state decided by 25,000!.

What happens next is anyone’s guess – but it’s sure better than getting screwed with no evidence and nothing to show a court.

Common Sense Elections is just getting started – the Red states are next.

In January, CSE is raising the funding to do two dozen states—building parallel systems with their current official government voter system, running them constantly, cross-searching with other databases, and showing the wildly inaccurate voter rolls in Texas, Ohio, Alabama, Virginia, Missouri, Florida, Mississippi, and several more.

In 2024 CSE learned every Secretary of State believes their voter rolls are pristine – even when shown tens of thousands of wild anomalies – enough to impact an election.

Because Secretaries of State and national voter integrity groups use obsolete relational technology, citizens cannot see the travesty in their state records.

No politician will touch the wildly dirty voter rolls.

Common Sense Elections is now applying better technology than the government has, and rubbing their politico noses in this travesty – with a state scoreboard – backed up by hard evidence – viewable from a phone.

Since CSE has the technology to see these problems, CSE makes them visible in Red states too – giving citizens the visual ammunition to force reluctant, denying Secretaries of State to finally stop mail-in ballot bad address madness.

Guest Post from Jay Valentine. Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine and the underlying technology for the TSA No-Fly List.  Jay can be reached at Omega4America.Substack.com





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