

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Inflation Reduction Act’s costs are skyrocketing

 The falsely named Inflation Reduction Act’s costs are skyrocketing; let’s start with the most obvious.

Progressive politicians “invested” $7.5 billion to build E.V. charging stations around the nation and in the first few years, they’ve built just seven or eight; at this rate, it would take more than 200,000 years to finish the project as they promised. They couldn’t have worse results if they tried.

The bill also budgeted $42.5 billion to connect high speed internet, yet in three years, not one person has been connected. How is that possible? From Dr. Ted Bolema at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy:

Massive federal spending on internet construction will be delayed at least another year, Federal Communication Commissioner Brendan Carr recently announced.

‘In 2021, the Biden Administration got $42.45 billion from Congress to deploy high-speed Internet to millions of Americans,’ Carr tweeted in June. ‘Years later, it has not connected even 1 person with those funds.’

And, they budgeted $60 billion to hire 87,000 new agents; now they are bragging that they collected a whopping $1.3 billion in back-taxes from wealthy individuals:

The U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Service said on Friday that they have recovered $1.3 billion in unpaid taxes from wealthy individuals under new enforcement initiatives funded by $60 billion in IRS modernization spending from the climate-focused Inflation Reduction Act.

(Great, we’re only at a $58.7 billion net negative on that one initiative.) My guess is most of that money had been found prior to the Act even being passed. Even if it weren’t, they could have collected that amount of money (a drop in the bucket compared to yearly tax revenue) with the existing workforce. It would be helpful if they were forced to work at the office instead of getting to stay at home like they have been since they left during COVID.

If the Inflation Reduction Act were properly named it would have been called the Green Pusher Slush Fund and Government Bureaucrat Expansion Act—even Joe Biden commented on how he “wished” he hadn’t called it the IRA because it wasn’t really about reducing inflation, but more about “green” spending.

(But the media is outraged that Trump is considering cutting the federal bureaucracy and moving some employees out of the very wealthy D.C. area.)

It is a true shame that most people posing as journalists are nothing more than prostitutes for the Democrat party and the destruction of America—but that’s actually pretty unfair to prostitutes who are at least honest about what they do, selling themselves for a quick buck. Journalists and other Democrats screw Americans in so many ways while they falsely pretend to care, but the only thing they actually care about is their own political power.


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