

Monday, September 9, 2024

Issues don’t matter — to Democrats

 Democrats, exemplified by our current party incumbents and candidates, take great measure in avoiding serious discussion of real socio-economic issues that are eroding the national fabric.  That is because their policies are largely responsible for the genesis of these issues.

Inflation.  CNBC (8/3/20) chided Trump for proclaiming that a nationwide lockdown would “ultimately inflict more harm than it would prevent.”  Overzealous COVID lockdown policy, primarily leftist in origin, precipitated an economic recession, “corrected” by government economic stimulus overshoot: Biden’s pork laden $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan on top of Trump’s already enacted $2 trillion Care Act, resulting in persisting inflation.  (Milton Friedman: “Inflation is created by government and by no one else.”)  But Kamala can blame current high prices on corporate greed.  (John Maynard Keynes foolishly opined that “The profiteers are a consequence and not a cause of rising prices”.)  The Democrats know better.

Teenage social withdrawal, anxiety, depression, suicide, drug use — exacerbated by Randi Weingarten’s teachers union’s protracted school closure policy in response to COVID, on top of an underlying groundswell of disconnect and loss of identity resulting from leftist induced erosion of patriotism, religion, traditional family structure, gender identity.  Blame it all on social media.

Unregulated immigration.  The myriad of issues stemming from drug- and human-trafficking, an influx of unskilled workers, and the economic burden of welfare packages initiated by Democrat policy makers is a consequence, we are told, of Biden’s inexplicable lack of authority to issue executive orders to prevent it, and Congressional Republicans opposition to “border reform” legislation.

Crime.  The nation suffers embarrassingly high incarceration rates, especially for people of color.  The Democrats deal with this by defunding the police and fostering prosecutorial leniency.  Criminal activity increases, but must now simply be looked upon as acceptable behavior.  It’s all about racial profiling, anyway.

Global unrest.  Wars, increasing global anti-West, anti-American civil unrest, facilitated in part by the Democrat’s diplomatic policy of appeasement.  The Democrats, Machiavellian in their own right, would do well to heed his advice on diplomacy: “….it is better to be feared than loved.”  Things might have been less chaotic under Trump, but that is because he is a tyrant himself who cozied up with other dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un — at least that's how the progressives would frame Trump’s achievements of historic and unprecedented levels of peace.

Divisiveness.  Tired of attempting to achieve racial, gender, and class equality through assimilation and activism, the Party now imposes identity politics and an oppressor/oppressed social structure fabrication to divide and conquer a system of white privilege and white supremacy.  They preach unity and togetherness while generating ideologic tribalism; their concept of unity of course is for all to worship together at the altar of a leftist autocracy.

When not assigning blame to others for the chaos and adverse outcomes of policies they originate, they divert attention from them by focusing discussion on such as systemic racism, white nationalism, threats to democracy, voter suppression, E.V.s, equity, abortion, transgender rights, birthing persons, gender options, toxic masculinity, amnesty, pronouns, etc.  “Joy!” was a theme of the recent DNC.

Unfortunately, there are enough followers of campaigns based in finger-pointing and distraction — those who choose to attribute their unrealized expectations to victimization and oppression — to neutralize those concerned with addressing legitimate issues at the ballot box. “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.” — Winston Churchill.  


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A vote for Kamala is a vote for race, gender, “hope and change,” and “joy.”  A vote for Trump is a vote for national integrity.  November’s election results will reveal much about the trajectory of our evolving democracy.


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