

Monday, September 9, 2024

Kamala’s policy page is generic mush with some leftism thrown in

She is a Liar and so full of Shit on what she says what she is going to do and why is she not doing it now since she is there for almost four years

Almost a month into her candidacy, Kamala’s website finally has a policy page. Let’s dive into the specifics—and as to each specific, be sure to ask yourself this question: “For those things Kamala promises as new initiatives, if these are such good ideas, why hasn’t the current administration already done them?”

Kamala promises to “cut taxes for middle class families.” The Trump tax cuts benefitted all people, even though Democrats claim they only helped the rich. Kamala promises tax cuts for everyone but the rich. The reality, though, is that under the current tax code, the top 1% of taxpayers already pay a rate almost eight times higher than the bottom half of taxpayers, and the top 50% pay almost 98% of all federal taxes paid. Cutting taxes to that bottom layer is meaningless, while Kamala promises elsewhere to raise the taxes on the rich. In the same section, Kamala says she’ll increase the child tax rebate, an idea JD Vance first promoted and that the media fought before Kamala coopted it.

Kamala Harris interview with Dana Bash on CNN

Image: YouTube screen grab.

Kamala promises to “make rent more affordable and home ownership more attainable.” We’re assured that Kamala has “put forward a comprehensive plan to build three million more rental units and homes that are affordable to end the national housing supply crisis in her first term.” Have you seen this plan? I haven’t.

To create more housing, Kamala says she’ll cut red tape, a fine promise coming from the queen of the regulatory party. I’d like to see the fight she has with the environmentalists over that one.

There’s also a claim about putting price controls on corporate landlords. Kamala needs to point us to an example of price controls that worked without creating shortages.

Lastly, Kamala says she’ll give a $25,000 check to new homebuyers—which will drive up property prices by...$25,000. If you doubt that, look at what happened to college tuition when the government started pumping money into student loans.

Kamala promises to “grow small businesses and invest in entrepreneurs.” Her main contention is that she’ll double down on having the government use race as a factor in allocating funds, noting the current administration’s success in “tripling the Small Business Administration’s lending to Black-owned businesses, and more than doubling small-dollar lending to Latino and women-owned businesses. She has also championed expanding federal contracts for minority-owned small businesses.”

Another thing Kamala promises is to give more tax deductions to new businesses and to lessen red tape. First, if these are good ideas, why hasn’t the current administration implemented them before? Second, how about just cutting taxes across the board and letting consumers and entrepreneurs make their own decisions without having to run things through the IRS first?

Kamala promises to “take on bad actors and bring down costs,” which means that she will follow through on her contention that inflation comes about not because the government has been printing money but because corporations have been charging too much. Kamala has no connection to the free market. The only brakes on the free market are monopolies (currently mostly limited to the tech monopolies over information) and government price fixing (which kills economies). Kamala also insists that she capped insulin costs, ignoring that Trump did thisBiden froze it, and then Biden unfroze it to take the credit.

Kamala promises to “strengthen and bring down the cost of health care” by doubling down on Obamacare and forcing down drug prices for Medicare users (driving them up for everyone else). She also promises to cancel existing medical debt, which essentially nationalizes it. She ignores that the only way to lower medical care costs is to increase competition, not for the government to manipulate the market.

Kamala promises to “protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare” by “making millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes.” See the tax discussion, above.

Kamala promises to “support American innovation and workers” by passing more government spending bills. These bills make big promises, but they reward cronies and industry favorites while printing the money that drives inflation. Kamala’s promise to raise the minimum wage will destroy jobs. And of course, she reiterates Trump’s promise to stop taxing tips.

Kamala promises to “provide a pathway to the middle class through quality, affordable education,” which translates to canceling student loan debt (voluntarily taken on by “queer studies” majors), forcing taxpayers to shoulder a greater burden of the tuition fees for colleges (i.e., Democrat indoctrination factories), and using racial metrics to determine which schools get taxpayer funds.

Kamala promises to “invest in affordable child care and long term care.” There are no real specifics here. What she actually promises is to “fight” to achieve these goals.

Kamala promises to “lower energy costs and tackle the climate crisis.” This again consists of goals, not specific metrics. The reason there are no specific metrics is that Kamala knows you can’t do both. Tackling the imaginary climate crisis means switching away from hydrocarbons, which are abundant in America and are also incredibly efficient, reliable, and affordable, and turning to renewables (except, of course, for nuclear), which are none of these things.

Kamala promises more abortion. Lots more abortion.

Kamala promises to pass so-called “voting rights” laws (i.e., the John Lewis Voting Rights and the Freedom to Vote Acts) that are simply licenses to print Democrat ballots. She also promises to promote even more LGBTQ+ interests.

Kamala promises to “make our communities safer from gun violence and crime.” Logically, this would mean locking up bad guys and inculcating morals and stable nuclear families into the population. In fact, what it means is boasting about her time as a DA and AG in California, suddenly becoming a booster of the police she sought to defund, and promise to ban guns, require universal background checks (i.e., a federal database of gun owners), and red flag laws.

Kamala promises to “secure our borders and fix our broken immigration system,” which is hysterically funny. Again, she boasts about her tenure as California’s AG (a lie), blames Trump for blocking a border bill that would have effectively legalized illegal immigration by giving Biden the freedom to admit thousands of illegal aliens daily, and giving away the real agenda: she wants to give the illegal aliens in America (20-40 million) “an earned pathway to citizenship.

Kamala promises to “tackle the opioid and fentanyl crisis,” something that stems in large part of the borders she and Biden opened.

Kamala promises to “ensure no one is above the law,” which sees her effectively promising to ignore the Constitution by having the legislature create ethics rules for the Supreme Court (a coequal branch of government), so that she can get the court to reverse the ruling about presidential immunity.

Kamala promises to “stand with our allies, stand up to dictators, and lead on the world stage,” a funny promise from a woman afraid to meet the media. There are a lot of touch promises here about North Korea, Russia, and Iran. She also promises to continue to see “that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination.” It seems to me that she’s way more concerned with the people in Gaza than with Israeli suffering from decades of terrorist attacks by Iran-funded organizations.

Kamala promises to “invest in America’s sources of strength,” which boils down to promising to stand up to China. Uh-huh. Again, she’s afraid of the media.

Finally, Kamala promise to “support service members, veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors.” Kamala has yet to meet with the Gold Star families whose loved ones died at Abbey Gate during the current administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. She also turned President Trump’s respectful appearance at Arlington as a political crutch for her own campaign.

Throughout the issues page, she repeatedly reiterates her objections to “Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda,” even though Trump has explicitly disavowed and certainly never endorsed the document. That level of dishonesty alone should be disqualifying.


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