

Friday, September 13, 2024

Merrick Garland's failures

 Merrick Garland keeps saying his dept is honest and all other bullshit.  that might be true but the top leaders in D.C. are worthless Garbage tarnishing the good people of the departments.

During his term as Biden-Harris’s appointed attorney general, Merrick Garland has often sanctimoniously bragged that his DoJ faithfully pursues the facts and the law in its search for justice. He repeated it again this week in his defensively toned speech trying to protect his DoJ from severe criticism and threats. Methinks Garland projecteth too much. He thinks his punting leadership responsibilities to Republican-appointed DoJ lawyers as special “independent” counsels or prosecutors absolves him of leadership responsibility as AG. Such appointments themselves raise legal and leadership questions.

The most glaring failure in Garland’s leadership occurred when his appointed counsel Robert Hur refused to indict President Joe Biden for his obvious classified records crime on the grounds of Biden’s compromised cognition and memory function. Instead of disciplining Hur or pursuing further duty under section 4 of the 25th Amendment to our Constitution, Garland stood silent. Garland could have appealed to Vice President Harris and other cabinet members to seek Biden’s removal via appropriate constitutional processes. Garland’s inaction has left our country with a president compromised cognitively and legally until January 2025. Did Garland ever notice Joe Biden’s cognitive failures during cabinet meetings? During individual meetings? Garland seems to maintain purity in his own performance and responsibilities by silence, passivity, or inaction.

The multilayered prosecution of Hunter Biden is another example of Garland’s passive leadership. Until a courageous and astute judge spotted the egregious legal delays and whitewashing efforts to get President Biden’s son off the hook, Garland was passive and silent, claiming he had given the special counsel full freedom and independence. In related matters, the American public is still in the dark as to how fifty so-called U.S. intelligence experts declared the emerging evidence implicating Joe Biden and his family in influence- peddling and other crimes as “looking typically like Russian efforts to influence a US election”…without further investigation by the FBI of which Garland is in charge.

Often, Garland seems to think that glaring leadership failures of his FBI in their investigations is not his responsibility to confront, correct, and prosecute. Any American can see the difference between the FBI raid President Trump’s Florida home and the passive, gentle, polite way the FBI investigated Joe Biden’s homes and offices in search of important documents. Much less what further investigation of Biden’s connections to China might be discovered.

Is Garland not responsible for stoutly overseeing the glaring failures of the FBI investigation of the assassination attempt on President Trump. Is the Secret Service so secret that the apparent stove pipes they occupy and that of his FBI can’t be investigated?

Finally, perhaps Merrick Garland's own passive and inactive leadership is a big part of the reason his DoJ and FBI are facing severe criticism and threats. Such doubts about Garland’s leadership has been accumulating for over three years.


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