

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Debunking the bleeding heart Democrats lie

 The media has spent a lot of time over the years falsely claiming that Joe Biden and other Democrats are empathetic, and Trump is not.

Thirteen military members were killed in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Kamala and Biden have never even said their names. Kamala isn’t even polite enough to return a call to any of the Gold Star parents! The media rarely (if ever) talks about the destruction of women’s rights and autonomy by the Taliban.

Instead, Biden and Harris say that the withdrawal was great. They don’t say a word about all the Afghans who helped us, those that they left behind.

While they say nothing to the Gold Star families, they trash Trump for going to the cemetery, despite the fact that he was invited.

Anyone who essentially ignores Gold Star families should not claim to be empathetic.

We have not heard a word from Biden or Harris about the more than 300,000 illegal migrant children who have gone missing. The Democrats were supposedly outraged when hundreds of children experienced “family separation” (many of these children were being trafficked by strangers posing as family) during Trump’s term, but there seems to be no concern at all for hundreds of thousands. Fake outrage is not outrage—it is fake. See here:

Speaker Johnson slams Biden admin for ‘stunning’ IG report on 300K missing migrant kids: ‘Modern-day slavery operation’

Rarely do we see Democrats care about the identity of Americans who are killed or raped by illegals. If only these people were raped or killed by a Trump supporter, then Democrats might care—or at least pretend to care. Otherwise, they are disposable. Laken Riley? Rachel Morin? Jocelyn Nungaray? Crickets.

We haven’t heard a word from Biden or Harris about the Venezuelan gang members admitted to our nation without vetting, taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado; Harris is too busy lying about how tough she is on the border to focus on the poor people in Colorado!

We haven’t heard a word from Democrats about illegals boarding school buses in San Diego, though some idiot in California did say these illegals didn’t do anything wrong. 

The media and other Democrats will stay quiet about all the crime committed by illegals in New York City, reportedly making up 75% of the arrests. They are too busy lying to the public, swearing that illegals don’t commit that many crimes and that they are great for the economy.

Democrats claim they care deeply about the environment, but Biden and Harris have barely recognized the environmental catastrophe in East Palestine, Ohio. Those people are clearly disposable. Democrats are too busy destroying the economy with the theoretical climate crisis which is based on computer models. They don’t care about all the birds and bats killed by wind turbines, and the obliteration of marine life when these machines break offshore.

Democrats have no empathy for newborn babies born in botched abortions.  They don’t even believe these little ones deserve health care.

They have no empathy for the workers at crisis pregnancy centers when their facility is vandalized and destroyed. They hate freedom of choice for poor pregnant women.

Democrats pretend they care about children, but they were willing to destroy children by keeping them out of school based on lies from Anthony Fauci and others. 

It is not empathetic when a president dictatorially and unconstitutionally pays off student loans; it is theft from taxpayers and bribery for votes.

There is no empathy for the destruction of the poor and middle classes caused by inflation by Democrat policies. Instead of taking blame for their actions, they falsely blame corporations, Trump, and/or Russia.

A party that covered up the Biden family corruption and Biden’s absolute incompetence is not empathetic—they are power hungry! Biden was too incompetent to stand trial for taking and mishandling classified documents for fifty years, yet he is still the president and actively destroying America.

And no, Biden didn’t selflessly step aside for the good of the country. If he were selfless, he would have never run in 2024, or 2020. 

Biden blames Israel’s Netanyahu for the murders by Hamas, yet he never blames himself for funding Iran, the deaths in Afghanistan, or the deaths at the hands of illegals. There is nothing to admire about the Biden-Harris years, despite the glowing genuflection by most of the media.


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