

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NYPD officer: 75% of arrests are migrants

 Straight from the horse’s mouth, in this case a “Midtown officer” patrolling the streets in New York City, comes the news that around 75% of the arrests are migrants, with the natural assumption being that they’re the illegal “newcomers” the progressive Democrat crowd keeps marketing to us as our cultural enrichment. From a report at the New York Post:

Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal-justice system — at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged.

Police sources shared with The Post a staggering estimate that as many as 75% of the people they’ve been arresting in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes like assault, robbery and domestic violence are migrants.

On any given day, Big Apple criminal court dockets are packed with asylum seekers who have run afoul of the law.

I wonder how much this is costing the taxpayers who staff these courts, provide public defenders, hire translators, and keep the lights on and the food flowing at the jail facilities? Now, think about what this means nationwide.

The Post article also includes the testimony of one of the illegal migrant criminals himself, Jefferson Maldenado, who has been arrested no fewer than five times since crossing the “border” earlier this year—stealing is just so much easier than an honest life in America.

‘They tell you about the American Dream. But when I got here, I saw that it was not like they said. It’s not easy here. It’s no bed of roses,’ said Maldenado, the migrant busted for stealing from Target.

He’s right, stealing is easier than working multiple jobs, giving up expensive personal vices (Maldenado was nabbed stealing beer), penny-pinching and coupon-clipping, while your money is being taxed again, and again, by a tyrannical government. It’s hard to be the host in a parasitic relationship, or a contributor in a taker’s society—we the tax slaves certainly don’t need to be reminded about that, because we live it every day.

But that’s not really these migrants’ reality.

California lawmakers just passed a bill that would allow illegals to secure state-supported loans worth up to $150,000, so they could attain home ownership, while the Americans paying for everything take a backseat and can’t afford to buy a home themselves.

Nancy Pelosi appeared on Bill Maher to announce that she’s a proponent of mass amnesty, and wants to grant citizenship to all the illegals now here, turning the “undocumented” into the “documented.”

Upon violating our border and entering illegally, countless migrants were handed pre-loaded debit cards, sometimes worth thousands of dollars; this is a handout that Americans did not receive.

Migrants receive more in welfare “benefits” than native New Yorkers.

Illegals are completely sheltered from the high cost of groceries, because they somehow get everything they need, with another thirteen thousand dollars still to spend:

Illegals are given housing in what were once luxury and historic hotels, they get “free” food and “free” healthcare, and their children are bused to the schools (taking priority over American children) for which they don’t pay tuition.

I mean, how much “easier” could life possibly be?

What’re we told though? Criminals (unless they’re white of course) are just living a life of crime to “feed their families.” Well, here’s this:

Another Manhattan cop said that excluding petty larcenies at drug stores, the number of local arrests involving migrants is ‘easily’ 75%, noting that most who get caught shoplifting go more for the pricey branded goods.

‘They can’t be bothered with lower-end stores. They like Lululemon and Sunglass Hut,’ he said….

Yeah, all that designer athleisure wear and those Gucci sunglasses sure fill a lot of little impoverished bellies!

Deport them ALL.

Youtube video screen grab




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