

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama's Quote of the Day

Wow......His Trillion dollar Deficits the last Four years and he criticizes Romneys plan???    i've read Romneys plan online and it makes sense. This Assbag has no plan,and no plan to cut spending. If you all heard he wants to take the money saved from the war and use it on his other programs. Its Borrowed Money! Same old Crap from the last four years!

Obama, on his struggles with math:

“Well, the math stuff I was fine with up until about seventh grade,” Obama said. “But Malia is now a freshman in High School and I’m pretty lost.”

As a fellow math-challenged individual, I can relate to feeling "lost" by pretty basic algebra. But then again, I'm not the guy who's presided over four consecutive trillion-dollar deficits while whinging about my opponent's arithmetic not adding up. Feel free to have fun with this one in the comments. Parting quotation: "This is not class warfare, it's math."

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