

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Obama is still a worthless Leader

The President had a news conference (that fielded no questions) about the impending fiscal cliff. (see YouTube video below) He blames Washington for not doing their jobs but fails to look in the mirror at the main person who is failing. He hasn't had a budget in over 3 years, yet he wants to paint Republicans as irresponsible? Remember when he said in his first campaign in '08 that he was going to take the budget and go line by line and cut spending? Kinda hard to do when you don't even HAVE a budget. What a lying POS! Stupid Liberals and Liberal media see his speech to further paint House Republicans as "obstructionists", when in fact they are the people's last line of defense from the insane fiscal policies that this administration is hell bent on implementing. He admonishes Congress about the tax increase that will occur if an agreement isn't reached, yet doesn't mention the 20 new taxes within 0bamascare that will burden the Middle Class, beginning next year.

What the president fails to recognize is that our government gets enough revenues. It is the out of touch reckless spending that is driving our economy into the ground. Anyone with an elementary understanding of economics knows that you can't spend more than you bring in. Any Liberal that reads this knows that if you spend more money than you have, you get into financial trouble, and the creditors start calling. We just can't go to our bosses and demand that we get more money on our paychecks; which is exactly what the president is demanding by his assertion that raising taxes on the job creators is fiscally sound. His remedy for our fiscal nightmare is like the little Dutch boy putting his finger in the dam. It will accomplish little except to further class warfare in our nation and demonize Republicans; which I think, btw, is his real goal. We are being governed by lunatics. Evil lunatics. It's time to rise up. ~ Mercury 


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