

Saturday, March 30, 2013


The Liberals are running  California and Illinois the same. Whoe can spend the most and not give a crap about doing it!

At end of the week, California's State Auditor released its annual financial report for the state. The report, compiled by Auditor Elaine Howle, found the state has a net worth of -$127.2 billion. If the state were a business, it would be a candidate for liquidation. 

CA's financial situation deteriorated this year, largely because the state spent $1.7 Billion more than it collected in revenue. This over-spending worsened the state's debt picture. 
"Expenses that exceeded revenues and increased long-term obligations resulted in an 81.4 percent decrease in the total net assets for governmental and business-type activities from the 20-10-11 fiscal year," said the report.
While this report paints a bleak picture of the state's future, it is also unrealistically optimistic. The report does not include the state's unfunded liabilities for future employee pensions. It also doesn't include the $60 billion or more in unfunded health costs for future state retirees. 
The state's balance-sheet may look bad now, but the truth is far worse than even this report suggests. 

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