

Friday, May 15, 2015

Clown Mayor Pushing for Paid National Family Leave Doesn’t Offer It to His Own Employees

C’mon, you expect freakazoid lefties to actually put their money where their mouth is? Probably the wrong analogy since it’s your money they want to spend for the cockamamie far-left schemes.
Forcing bosses to grant workers paid maternity leave is an absolutely “urgent” matter, Mayor de Blasio says — unless, of course, the boss happens to be . . . him.
De Blasio is gallivanting around the country pushing his “progressive agenda,” which includes a call for “national paid family leave.” But as The Post’s Yoav Gonen reports, the mayor himself doesn’t offer the benefit to most of his own employees.
Instead, these city workers must use accumulated sick days — or go without pay — if they want time off for maternity leave or to care for a sick family member.
Here’s the thing: If paid family leave is as critical as the mayor says, he could have granted it to all non-union city employees with the stroke of a pen — but he hasn’t.
And he could have included it for unionized employees in the contracts he signed with the city’s unions — but he didn’t.
Good thing, too.
Those contracts are fat enough without any extra perks. City employees, for example, get health plans and pensions that blow away the benefits most other public-sector workers get, let alone those without government jobs.
And it would cost taxpayers a mint if de Blasio were to suddenly offer paid family leave. By not granting it, he implicitly admits the city can’t afford it.
So why is he racing around America pushing it for the rest of the nation when he hasn’t offered it to his own employees?
“You can’t go to Washington advocating for a core value that you don’t implement at home,” says Rudy Giuliani’s Deputy Mayor Joe Lhota. He’s right — unless, of course, your goal is mainly to boost your image as the nation’s top “progressive” (and you don’t care about the hypocrisy).
Amusingly, the idiot in the White House is claiming the oafish de Blasio is stealing his stale, worn-out “ideas.”
“I noted that it was basically my agenda except for trade,” he continued – chuckling. “That was the one area where there was a significant difference.” It was a clear reference to the 13-point progressive agenda de Blasio unveiled in DC this week and promoted in speeches and TV interviews.
Obama ticked off a series of priorities — on income inequality, labor rights, and sick leave — that had already been his own agenda and staples of his campaign speeches before they made it on a list cobbled together at Gracie Mansion.
It’s worth noting Obama never ran on any of this issues.

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