

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Mexico Offers to Provide Jobs, Education to Caravan Migrants

Asylum seekers are to seek asylum at the first Country they enter.Anyone on the Left that says otherwise is an Idiot and don't know what the hell they are talking about

The Honduran migrants heading toward the US border left the Mexican town of Huixtla at dawn after taking a one-day break to rest

Mexico’s government unveiled a plan to provide employment, health care, and education to thousands of Central American migrants who are part of the caravan that is traveling from Honduras towards the U.S border.

This week, Mexico’s government unveiled their plan called “Estas En Tu Casa” or “You Are in Your Home.” The program provides the migrants with temporary employment, access to government-funded health care, and education for their children. The migrants who take part in the program will be employed in the cleaning and maintenance of public buildings and roads. As Breitbart News has reported, thousands of migrants from Honduras are making their way into Mexico in an effort to reach the U.S. Border. The caravan has caused international tension as the U.S. government threatened to remove international aid to Central America if the caravan is not stopped.

In order to take part in the program, the migrants and their families must be in the country legally and reach out to immigration authorities who will sign them up. The program will only be available in the southern Mexican states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. Those who are part of the caravan and entered the country illegally will be given time to begin the immigration process and must follow Mexico’s immigration law. Those in the program will also be given Mexico’s version of a social security number, commonly known as CURP (Clave Unica de Registro Publico) so they are able to open bank accounts and carry out other bureaucratic processes.
According to Mexico’s Secretariat of the Interior, the program is designed to help up to 6,000 migrants and will be supported through emergency funds destined for social emergencies. The program will be operated by Mexico’s Communications and Transportation Secretariat.

Why Shouldn't Central Americans Have to Apply for Asylum in Mexico?

The European Court of Justice (ECJ), supreme court for the European Union (EU), has ruled that would-be migrants must seek asylum in the first country they reach.
CNN, one of the many media outlets reporting on the ruling, says this: "The European Union's top court has ruled that refugees must continue to seek asylum in the first European country they reach, even in exceptional circumstances like the migrant crisis of 2015." What they should have said is "especially in exceptional circumstances like the migrant crisis of 2015", because it is during crises that having bright-line guidelines to follow become most important.
The ruling surprised many because the EU's advocate general had recommended otherwise, but it should not have, because it is founded on something called the "Dublin Regulation" which embeds the premise of seeking asylum in the first point of entry into EU law. The Dublin regulation itself, though, is merely the EU's codification.........


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