

Monday, August 26, 2019

Minorities: The Forgotten Democrat Voters

In business and in politics, you can never take your customers and voters for granted.  Next year, we're going to find out what strides we've made in signing disaffected political free agents to our Republican Party and President Trump re-election team, including historically reliable Democrat voting blocs such as blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Millennials, and Generation Zers.
Will micro-movements such as Blexit and Jexit make a positive electoral impact?  It is not unrealistic that President Trump's campaign may raise over $1 billion for 2020; these are funds that can be used for unprecedented voter outreach in purple districts and big cities located in purple states.  I'm confident that there are tens of thousands, and potentially hundreds of thousands, of Americans disillusioned with the Democratic Party.  Let's welcome them to the America First family of voters.  Unlike the Democrats, we don't seek to take their children, take their money, and take their freedoms, and we won't take them for granted.
I believe that the best approach to minority voters is to emphasize not their race, ethnicity, religion, sex, or country of origin, but rather their forgotten status as Americans whose votes the Democrats believe they are entitled to.
Data Show an Uphill Battle
Why do minorities tend to overwhelmingly vote Democrat? The Occam's razor answer is that Democrats speak minorities' political language better than Republicans do.  Democrats have spent tens of thousands of consecutive daysrunning the municipalities where the majority of blacks, Jews, and Hispanics live.  With Democrats' infiltration of the public education infrastructure, the unions, and the bureaucracies, minorities, even with an online world of information readily accessible, have known nothing else except Democrat politics.  It's local-level Stockholm syndrome.
If we work from a worst-case starting point in which most minority groups will majority vote Democrat for the foreseeable future, then we have only up to go.  We can't fall off the floor.
How we attract voters is the heavy lifting.  The Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign must simultaneously institute a national and state and local plan of attack.  Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, and Ronna McDaniel, the RNC chairwoman, appear to know what they're doing.  Neither needs to pitch most Republican voters, although they cannot ignore us, either.  The greatest brand advocate is the voter or consumer.  What the Trump campaign and the RNC need to do is get to paid staffers, volunteers, canvassers, etc. the data that say, "These blacks or Hispanics or youths or Jews or Muslims or whoever are free agents; let's get them on the team."
What do the data show?
The largest local Jewish populations live in cities that have been monopolized by Democrat mayors and super-majority Democrat city councils for tens of thousands of consecutive days. In the states with the highest percentages of Jewish residents, numbers 1–7 would vote for Genghis Khan if he had a "D" after his name.  It's not until number 8 — Florida — that one finds a purple state.
The largest local black populations live in cities similar to those of Jews.  Thestates with the highest percentages of black residents are blue or purple states.  (Some who see Mississippi and Alabama, for example, on this list will say that they're red states, but I've argued that there are no more guaranteed red states.)
The states with the highest percentages of Hispanic residents are blue or purple states.  Again, despite popular opinion, Texas and Florida are not red states, but purple.
The mission statement of the official Jexit organization is on point: to persuade Jews to exit the Democratic Party and join us on the president's team.  Approximately 7 out of 10 Jewish voters identify as Democrat; in the 2016 presidential election, over 70 percent of Jewish voters sided with Hillary Clinton.
The Plan of Attack
Is there any chance of winning over some of our fellow Jewish Americans?  I originally thought Speaker Nancy Pelosi's acquiescence to U.S. reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and their accompanying anti-Semitism, would have, at least, given some Jewish Democrats pause.  In the wake of Israel's recent barring of entry of Omar and Tlaib, however, my perception is that Democrat Jews support both even more now than before their woe-is-me martyrdom.
The Blexit movement probably has an even smaller ROI than Jexit, given that blacks are even more supportive of Democrats than are Jews.  In the 2016 presidential election, 88 percent of black voters were "with her."  In what might be cautiously optimistic news for us in 2020, the black turnout rate in 2016 was its lowest in two decades.  Clearly, blacks were less excited about Clinton than they were about President Obama.  Black turnout rate in 2012 was a record high for the demographic.
Two out of every three Hispanic voters supported Clinton in 2016.  Watch out, though: polls, schmolls, but Hispanics and blacks appear to be warming up to Trump's brand of politics.  Projections also show that there will be more Hispanic than black eligible voters next year.
Let's not forget our young voters, whose voter turnout rates have been steadily increasing over the last several election cycles.  Overall midterm voter turnout reached a modern high in 2018, and Generation Z, Millennials and Generation Xaccounted for a narrow majority of those voters, outnumbering the Boomer and older generations.
I want to be careful not to view fellow American voters as mere statistics.  But in politics, what matters is targeting demographics and sincerely addressing their concerns.  I'd most certainly welcome new black teammates from Baltimore and new Jewish teammates from New York City and new Hispanic teammates from Los Angeles.  Free agent signings from long-time Democrat areas, though, would be mostly lateral pickups and not new electoral gains.  Could McDaniel and Parsale tell me an approximate number of Jewish free agents in Florida or blacks in Philadelphia, a city in a purple state, or Hispanics in El Paso, which is in a state with a historically atrociously low rate of Republican voter turnout?  If they can't, then they're solely relying on their base voters, and in business, dependence on your existing customers is always a risky present and future proposition.  Thepersonae non gratae in Democrat-world are Republican and Republican-leaning immigrants cum citizens, blacks, and Jews.
I fully appreciate the skepticism minority voters have had about the national Republican Party and the virtually non-existent GOP in the Democrat-controlled cities.  That's why it's incumbent upon us nationalists to sell to disaffected free agents that they must choose one of two sides: America or the Democratic Party.  Political persuasion always must be run like a marketing campaign.  There are two approaches: play not to lose — which is standard fare, wishy-washy pre-Trump Republicanism — or play to win big, which was exactly the play Obama ran in 2008.
In every human transaction — especially in politics — someone is buying, and someone is selling.  There has never been a better time than right now to prospect those looking for a new team.  Let's put some of the RNC's record fundraising money to great use.  GOP, are you listening?

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