

Friday, May 28, 2021

How the Democrats Stacked the Deck in the Green Bay November Election

 Great Interview on the Wilkow Majority yesterday

A California attorney who represented Kamala Harris, a Massachusetts antifa rally speaker, and a New York Democrat walk into a bar in Green Bay, Wisconsin, to discuss how to increase turnout through absentee ballots in the upcoming November election and remove power from the Green Bay city clerk.  No, this is not the start of some joke. Instead, these three key individuals ended up running the Green Bay election last fall (after the clerk was pushed out). They didn’t meet up at some bar, but the fact that three coastal elites descended on the small city of Green Bay and took over parts of the election is very concerning. Open records reveal the Democrats’ corruption in stacking the deck in the Green Bay November election.  

Green Bay was the last municipality in all of Wisconsin to report its election results in November. The former Brown County clerk said the election was “tainted.” A closer look at the players involved demonstrates why. At the center of it all was progressive Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich, who brought in all three key individuals and worked other angles to legally stuff the ballot box with as many absentee ballots as possible. Genrich, a former Democrat state legislator, was an early Bernie Sanders backer in 2016 before becoming a DNC Hillary Clinton delegate. He ran for the “non-partisan” mayoral post and quickly politicized everything when he was elected. After purposefully creating long voting lines in Wisconsin’s spring presidential primary election in April 2020 by rejecting National Guard help to man the polls, Genrich set out to change historical precedent and the statutory requirement that the city clerk, not the mayor, run the elections. Former city clerk Kris Teske blew the whistle on the mayor’s office bringing in outside consultants. Genrich even had a secretive competition with other Wisconsin cities to see who could get the most absentee votes counted. 

After five Green Bay citizens filed a complaint, the Genrich political operation sought to counter the narrative by releasing a report from the city attorney meant to absolve the mayor and his cronies of all of their wrongdoing. This report backfired and actually revealed how the mayor’s office operated in 2020 and their unprecedented takeover of an election. In trying to legitimize how the election was run, the report said the creation of an ad hoc election committee guided the major decisions. Well, who was on the hd hoc election committee? One person was Susan K. Smith, who public records show was deputy attorney general under Kamala Harris and represented her at least once in legal proceedings. Also on the committe was Celestine Jeffreys, who was Genrich’s chief of staff (at the time) and is now the new city clerk. 

Amaad Rivera-Wagner, Genrich’s community liaison, was also involved in the administration of the election through coordinating staffing at Central Count on election day/night. He made sure he had “his” people in the right places to count the absentee ballots. One affidavit from a first-hand witness said "Rivera-Wagner made himself out to be 'in charge'" at Central Count. Open records reveal that Rivera-Wagner was in charge of coordinating election worker shifts, training the poll workers, and managing efforts at Central Count.

Even Mayor Genrich admitted that Rivera-Wagner offered “logistical support” at the Central Count processing of absentee ballots. At Central Count, many ballots were “reconstructed” under Rivera-Wagner’s watchful eye after the Center for Tech and Civic Life-funded machine cut absentee ballots. So who is Amaad Rivera-Wagner? In 2018, he ran for Massachusetts state Senate as a progressive Democrat, making “Resist(ing) the Trump Administration” one of his top priorities.

In 2017, Rivera-Wagner took a job for Massachusetts Democrat Senator Ed Markey because "he also wanted to be part of the fight against Trump." 

He also organized Resist Trump rallies and spoke at an antifa rally. For his loyalty, the Green Bay mayor promoted Rivera-Wagner to become his new chief of staff

Perhaps the biggest controversy surrounding the Green Bay election was how the "Zuckerbucks" and affiliated left-wing organizations ended up involved in election administration, showing how easy it was for private corporations to buy election access. A staffer from one affiliated group ended up with access to keys to the Central Count location, where the absentee ballots were counted. That staffer was Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a Bill de Blasio fan and former Alan Grayson staffer.

After Trump was elected in 2016, Spitzer-Rubenstein wrote that we must “stand up and prevent Donald Trump from destroying America” and detailed how Democrats must resist the president. He joined that effort by becoming state leader for the National Vote at Home Institute. Open records reveal that Spitzer-Rubenstein offered to help Green Bay "cure" ballotsAffidavits and state legislative hearing testimony detail his involvement and show that he had access to ballots at Central Count on election day/night. When a complaint was filed,  Genrich finally had him removed from Central Count. But the damage had already been done. 

These three coastal progressives were way too involved in Green Bay's election administration. A thorough investigation needs to be done to get the bottom of their involvement, and any wrongdoing should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We must never let Democrats stack the deck like this again. 

Matt Batzel is the Wisconsin-based national executive director of American Majority Action, a grassroots conservative organization.





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