

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Democrats: America’s Mendacious Throttlebottoms They’re pathological, contemptuous liars.


Every once in a while you run across a word you fall in love with. That happened to me Tuesday as I was looking for that perfect bon mot to describe an utter political incompetent. And I found it, so I’m using it.

The word is “throttlebottom.” It rolls off the tongue quite easily if you look at the typical American politician, particularly one with a “D” next to his name.

We’re awash in throttlebottoms. We certainly have a throttlebottom president, and he’s surrounded himself with thorough throttlebottoms.

We can’t afford them now. We especially can’t afford the shameless liar throttlebottoms we’re stuck with in this administration.

This is a subject upon which a book can be written, and yet you’ll have to be satisfied with a mere column to describe it. Happily (not really), the whole thing can be summed up quite nicely with all the latest news of the Afghanistan evacuation.

To hear Joe Biden’s minions tell it, the pell-mell evacuation of our people is a comeback story for the ages. The Democrat National Committee actually released this to the public on Tuesday. . .

President Biden Defies Expectations (Again), Delivers Results in Afghanistan

President Biden has defied expectations and exceeded even his own administration’s goal in successfully ramping up evacuations from Afghanistan. Not only has President Biden evacuated nearly 60,000 people from Kabul with no American casualties, but he has taken the steps necessary to finally end a 20-year long war, bring Americans home, and keep our promise to our Afghan partners.

Despite initial doubts on President Biden’s leadership and ability to evacuate 50,000 people from Afghanistan in two weeks…

  • CNN’s Kate Sullivan: “CNN’s @clarissaward in Kabul: ‘I’m sitting here for 12 hours in the airport, 8 hours on the airfield and I haven’t seen a single US plane take off. How on Earth are you going to evacuate 50,000 people in the next two weeks? It just, it can’t happen.’”

President Biden exceeded expectations and successfully ramped up evacuations — evacuating over 50,000 in only 10 days.

  • Senator Chris Murphy: “In fact, it didn’t take 2 weeks to evacuate 50,000. It took 10 days. Lots of work still to do, but it might be time for a bit of a reassessment by the media of this operation given the actual results.”
  • John Harwood: “Biden national security officials last week set goal of evacuating 5K-9K per day from Afghanistan
    “this morning, WH says 21,600 were flown out of Kabul in last 24 hours – 12,700 on US military flights, 8,900 on allied coalition flights; total evacuees in last 10 days: 58,700”
  • MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell“This is the best run evacuation from a war America lost. Vietnam was much worse including the killing of American soldiers who were helping the evacuation and whose bodies were left behind in a Saigon hospital.”

There. Are you feeling good about things?

No, of course you aren’t. We know this because USA Today just released the results of their new poll of Biden’s approval, and he’s throttling to the bottom. The poll, a survey of 1,000 registered voters (no likely voter screen, so it’s a Democrat-skewing sample) taken by Suffolk University from Thursday through Monday, gives Biden a 41 percent approval score. He’s catching 26 percent approval on Afghanistan. Overall disapproval? 55 percent.

Which means he’s really in the 30’s now with folks who would show up to vote.

This doesn’t seem to affect the Biden throttlebottom gang much, though. After all, Biden is the first American president in modern memory to be held in contempt by the British Parliament and a day after that happened, he was still claiming the NATO allies were totally on board with O’Donnell’s “best run evacuation.”

And on Tuesday, as the DNC was busy toasting the “best-run evacuation” the reality on the ground was not so good. Here’s a sampling of the above-the-fold headlines on Rantingly.com (which is what the Drudge Report used to be):

Gosh, what a best-run evacuation. Please, DNC, give us more of Lawrence O’Donnell’s wisdom in your Baghdad Bob press releases.

None of those headlines were the big news of the day on Tuesday, of course. That would be the announcement of President Throttlebottom’s newfound masters in Kabul, who said that despite his pleas, their deadline of August 31 would hold, and further that they’ve lost patience with Afghans who want to leave. It sounded a lot like after August 31 the Taliban would deny the Afghans permission to get out of the country; the implication therein being that the poppy fields would start to become the killing fields for any Afghans whose biometric data as collaborators was captured following our “best-run evacuation.”

Our allies have been asking Biden to use American power to force open that evacuation deadline. And Biden said no on Tuesday. Then he said that was “contingent” on the Taliban’s cooperation. As though that ship hasn’t already sailed.

But wait, there’s more. We are now drawing down our military presence at the Kabul airport. The troops are bugging out.

Which means our “best-run evacuation” is going to leave some significant number of the Americans left in Afghanistan to the tender mercies of a bloodthirsty gang of jihadist brigands whom we have bombed, shelled, and shot for 20 years.

You’ll forgive me for having this impression, because after all I’m one of those people who has recognized Biden and the Democrats as pathological, contemptuous liars incapable of successfully performing even the most basic tasks of public administration without scandal or outrage for most of my adult life.

But it seems to me that several things are quite obviously true.

First, Joe Biden gives not a tinker’s damn for the Americans he was honor-bound to evacuate. If he did, he would have already gotten them out before the pullout of the troops in the first place.

Second, Biden and his people know that they’re leaving thousands of Americans to their fates because to make an extra effort to save them is hard, and Biden and his people know they aren’t capable of doing hard things.

Third, Biden and his people know that they’re greatly failing to meet the public’s expectations, so much so that it would be comic but for the bloody tragedy lurking not far in the distance, and rather than redoubling their efforts to avoid that shame, they’ve decided to simply ignore it.

And fourth, when the true measure of this catastrophe is taken and the Taliban recognize the leverage our throttlebottom junta has handed them, Joe Biden will unhand billions of our tax dollars to ransom out those Americans the savages don’t kill. If the Taliban play their cards right, they won’t just get the money, they’ll be able to get it a little at a time over the course of years, inflicting the maximum humiliation on America to the delight of China and Russia and the disgust and dismissal of our allies.


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