

Saturday, May 21, 2022

The uncloaked mask exposes...Hillary

This Bitch (sorry, that's an insult to female dogs) is so corrupt she Stinks

If you've ever wondered why Hillary Clinton wouldn't go to Wisconsin, a last-straw omission that apparently cost her the 2016 election, the answer might just be in the latest filings of special counsel John Durham, who has teased a doozy out from former Clinton campaign manager Robbie Mook.

According to Mark Wauck's Meaning in History:

I think we can say definitively that the wait has been worth it. John Durham has not let us down. I'm speaking, of course, of Hillary campaign manager Robbie Mook's testimony — obviously, under oath — at the Sussmann trial that the Alfa Bank Hoax was cleared for use by Hillary personally and was discussed within her inner circle: with John Podesta, Jake Sullivan, and Jennifer Palmieri. Maybe someday we'll learn how Durham pulled this off — getting this Clinton insider to turn on Hillary. It's a real coup.

So Hillary was behind the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax, and she was crazy enough to get her flunkies into the legal trouble she's currently gotten them in by ordering that information to get out.

According to Wauck, that's big, because that's an easily-understood-by-the-public scandal, and Hillary continues to have political ambitions as Joe Biden falls apart:

This story coming out of a trial that's under a reporting blackout by the MSM will have legs. Hillary will be finished. Of course she was a known liar and cheater already, but now she's a known liar and cheater in the specific context of the Russia Hoax, the 2016 election, and beyond — the faux impeachments of Trump, the four years of insane witchhunting after Trump. It will also rub off on the rigged 2020 election. It will rub off on the Dem party. Trump will get the word out. It will be all over social media. Even if there are no convictions, Durham has brought home the bacon.

Here's more from Leo Turrell:

What's vivid to me is that this isn't the only 2016 campaign scandal she was directly behind.  She was also behind this, which I wrote about in February:

With revelations from Special Counsel John Durham's investigation that her 2016 campaign literally paid tech companies to spy on the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, the Trump residence, and the Trump White House, the question now is what kind of felony charges are coming. 

...and this:

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas has released video evidence that left-wing organizer and high-level Democratic Party operative Robert Creamer is, in fact, linked directly to Hillary Clinton, who personally approved at least one of his disruptive tactics.

Last week, O'Keefe produced video showing Creamer, the co-founder of the Democracy Partners consulting group, and his colleague, Scott Foval, discussing their past and present efforts to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies and other events.

The stated goal was to create "anarchy" around Trump, presumably to make him less appealing to American voters. Foval described Democracy Partners as a contractor for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook tried to evade the controversy by denying a direct link between Creamer and the campaign.

When Breitbart News' Washington political editor, Matthew Boyle, confronted Mook about Creamer and his firm in the spin room after the third presidential debate, Mook claimed: "They've never worked for our campaign." When asked if Clinton had ever discussed the controversial political operations with Creamer directly, Mook replied: "I don't think so."

Now, however, O'Keefe and Project Veritas have released video of Creamer claiming that Clinton directly approved one of his more bizarre plans — an effort to attract media attention and incite violence by dressing an activist in a Donald Duck costume and sending that activist into Trump events, emphasizing the argument that Trump was "ducking" releasing his tax returns.

So Hillary was spreading Russia hoax lies, spying on the Trump campaign, and fomenting violence at Trump rallies.  She wasn't about campaigning for herself in this campaign, or campaigning to persuade voters — she was directly or nearly directly implicated in one dirty trick after another, some illegal, to Get Trump.

That's quite a Dr. Evil operation she had there with so many different tentacles, yet it may have been so many she had no time left to campaign.  This is like the left's stereotype image of Richard Nixon, fuming about his enemies, but with a heavier serving of dirty tricks and sorry bids to take down Trump, none of which worked, but all of which weighed down on his presidency for no legitimate reason.

With Mook spilling the beans to Durham, quite possibly because he's forgotten he needed to keep it secret, it's obvious she wasn't even good at hiding her tracks.  She spent so much her time trying to get Trump and so little of her time trying to persuade voters to vote for her that she somehow never made it to the presidency.  And now word is out as to how corrupt and resentful she is.  Wait till next time...if Mr. Durham doesn't cut this off right there with this latest indictment and trial.



Seth rich is tied in here somewhere on the email issue then Trump was blamed???




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