

Monday, June 19, 2023

Woke British Teacher Throws a Fit After Girl Mocks Student for Identifying as a Cat – Students Proceed Annihilate Teacher in Debate on “Gender Identity” (AUDIO)

 This Teacher really does Suck. How many Worthless Hacks ae like this in the U.S.?

Credit: New York Post                                                                                                                                              

East Sussex, England – A woke British teacher had multiple melt downs after getting humiliated by her teen students in a debate on gender ideology and threatened them afterward.

As the New York Post reported, the incident occurred at Rye College in East Sussex at the end of an eighth-grade “life education” class. The unnamed teacher attempted to brainwash her students by trying to emphasizing “how you want to be and how you identify is up to you.”

Her tactic failed because following the “lesson,” one of the students mockingly a classmate for identifying as a cat.

How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?

Upon hearing this, the teacher flipped out and tried to bully the young girl for injecting some much-needed commonsense.

How dare you! You’ve just really upset someone by questioning their identity!

Instead of cowering, the girl fired right back, saying “If they want to identify as a cow or something then they are genuinely unwell – crazy.”

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The angry teacher went on to question how the girls got the idea there were only two genders. This did not end well for her.

One student had a simple yet correct answer:

There’s only a boy and a girl there are no other private parts.

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Not listening, the teacher went on to spew several seconds of nonsense about how gender is not biologically linked before uttering this whopper:

There is actually three biological sexes because you can be born with male and female body parts or hormones. There are lots of genders: there is transgender, there is a gender who are people who don’t believe that they have a gender at all.

One girl responded by saying “you can’t have that” which caused the teacher to snap saying “what do you mean you can’t have that? Another student replied in more blunt fashion:

If you have a vagina you’re a girl and if you have a penis you’re a boy.

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The teacher proceeded to make more nonsensical “arguments” and insulted her students in the process.

Cisgender is not necessarily the way to be. You were talking about the fact that cisgender is the norm, that you identify with the gender of the sexual organ you were born with, or you’re weird, that’s basically what you’re saying, which is really despicable.

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The teacher goes on to question the truism that people can’t change their gender which invites even more mockery.

They can’t (meaning women) unless you get a penis attached.

You can’t have a vagina if you’re a boy.

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Thoroughly annihilated, the teacher had another melt down. She threatened to report the girls and vowed to forcibly indoctrinate them.

It’s not an opinion! If you don’t like it you need to go to a different school. I’m reporting you to Miss Willis.

You need to have a proper educational conversation about equality, diversity and inclusion because I’m not having that expressed in my lesson.

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One could argue that not only should the teacher be immediately terminated, one of the students should take over. The kids in this case have more brains and common sense than the so-called adult in the room.



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