

Monday, March 25, 2024

EXC: Rep. Gaetz Blasts ‘Tyrannical’ Gun Grab Law Exposed By The National Pulse.

Here is another attack on the 2nd amendment. Why is that??  Why do they want to disarm Legal  American gun owners?  Tyrannical Dictators disarmed  their people.  Why is that? Are the cowards afraid of Legal gun owners?

Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz (R) has blasted proposed legislation unearthed by The National Pulse, which could see firearm ranges and neighborhood patrols criminalized as part of a move by Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) to nullify America’s Second Amendment further.

Responding to the story from Monday morning, Rep. Gaetz said: “Democrats in Congress have decided that two’s a crowd and three’s an ‘unlawful paramilitary organization.’”

“Under this proposed tyrannical decree, any three Americans who organize to train or drill in firearm safety or security may face criminal or civil targeting by a weaponized DOJ.”

“This insane legislation offends the Second Amendment, which unambiguously supports a well-regulated militia of free citizens. I guarantee that I and other pro-2A members of Congress will fight to kill it,” concluded the firebrand Congressman.

The legislation’s House (H.R.6981) and Senate (S.3589) versions were introduced recently. Both sit in the Judiciary Committees of their respective chambers. Congressional Democrats claim the legislation is meant to enhance the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) ability to prosecute organized, armed groups who engage in violence and intimidation. However, Rep. Raskin, the lead House sponsor, has also acknowledged the Democrat bill could be used against private militias “[p]atrolling neighborhoods.”


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