

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Flashback to 2007: J6 Committee member once called for an ‘insurrection’

 These Clowns all  said the election was Illegitimate with the Russian bullshit Lie when it wasn't.

So thats ok but Trump can't call out the Rigged corrupt 2020 election? 

If you settled on Jamie Raskin, you’d be correct.

I happened upon it by chance, tracking down some details for a blog I wrote yesterday on the status of the National Popular Vote movement—a looming “checkmate” if we don’t wake up—and discovered that once upon a time, when Maryland’s Jamie Raskin was just a freshman state-level lawmaker, he’d hoped that the legislation he “sponsored” would incite an “insurrection” across the country. Here’s the story, via a rather old article at NBC News:

State Sen. Jamie Raskin, a law professor and sponsor of the idea, said Maryland is largely ignored by presidential candidates during campaigns, because they assume the Democratic state will vote for the Democratic candidate.

Raskin, a Democrat, said he hoped Maryland’s support for the idea will start a national discussion and ‘kick off an insurrection among spectator states - the states that are completely bypassed and sidelined’ during presidential campaigns.

‘Going by the national popular vote will reawaken politics in every part of the country,’ Raskin said.

(For context, Raskin was referring to Maryland becoming the first state to pass NPV legislation, which is one facet of a newer movement to de facto abolish the Electoral College by subverting it at the state level—for more on that, I urge you to read my essay, found here.)

I mean, doesn’t that sound a whole lot more incendiary than “peacefully and patriotically” petitioning your government for a redress of grievances? President Trump never even called for an insurrection—Raskin actually did, specifically in a political context!


And, Raskin’s appeal for “insurrection” is even more controversial, when you consider what could unfold if his NPV scheme were to actually take effect. Without an electoral college, there is absolutely no election integrity—just imagine what the political landscape would look like when mail-in ballots determine the vote tallies, and a simple majority determines the presidency?

Here’s this, from James Madison writing as Publius in Federalist No. 10 on what “pure democracy” is like:


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Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.

Tyranny of the majority, the very scenario meticulously warned about by the Founders, would rule, and the entire foundation of a representative republic would be gone. Cities have the most people and cities vote blue—any vote other than Democrat would literally not matter, because it would be one Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, or Barack Obama iteration after the other.


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