

Monday, August 20, 2012

Obama speech today was a Joke

He lied about accusing Mitt Romney of being a Felon...LIE
He still wants Romneys taxes... I don't care about them. He says even Medical records are open. Your life is an open book...Oh yeah? I want to see Obama's Sealed College Transcripts and entry documents. Did he get in as a Foreign Exchange student? Obama's got secrets. Lets get them out in the open. It also is not required for a Candidate to Release more than 2 Years of Taxes!
  He then says he is not negative...Romney is   BS....Romney and Ryan are at least saying what they want to do....Obama is only talking down what Romney /Ryan are doing, He is not said nothing about how he is going to fix entitlements. He never corrected the woman dying of cancer ad!

What a Hack!!

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