

Monday, September 30, 2013

Watch: Obama Mocks Americans On Obamacare: “You Can’t Shut it Down”

Obama has just given an address to the country, openly admitting the government will now shut down because he refuses to compromise on any level on Obamacare — even the provisions that are universally hated, like a tax on medical devices.
He is openly admitting that people will be hurt, because when it comes to Obamacare, “You can’t shut it down.” This really is the level our government has fallen to — open mockery and childish statements.
Remember, Obamacare is increasing the deficit by $6 trillion. It’s doubling insurance prices. The LABOR UNIONS are even protesting it. And he doesn’t care — helping others isn’t the goal.

Towards the end, he then claims that he’s open to “working with” Republicans — so long as that just means they pass what he wants. Insanity.
In another interview with NPR, Obama went even further, stating that, “I should not have to offer anything” to Republicans. He actually said, “Steve, ‘when you say what can I offer?’, I shouldn’t have to offer anything.”
I would say this is “unbelievable”, but it’s not. At this point, we’re used to how pathetic the leadership in DC has gotten. The idea of even compromising when it comes to cutting anything is now the great “evil” in DC. Because of this, there will be heck to pay over time as the economy continues to be hurt by these mindlessgames.

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