

Friday, November 8, 2013


The relationship between the White House and the media has become largely too incestuous. No longer content with the media offering their own explanations for Obama’s failures, loyal Obama operatives are now coaching and instructing journalists on how to explain and excuse Obamacare’s massive failures.
Nothing fishy here…
Every dictator knows that if you want to stay in power, you absolutely must control the media. Having a robust, honest, independent media is an important aspect of maintaining a government accountable to the people. However, the Obama Regime has worked very hard over the years to gain a stranglehold on the media and it shows. Through coercion and outright bullying, the Obama Administration has compelled many news organizations to quiet their criticisms lest they be shunned and cast out into the cold, unable to gain access to the White House scoops.
Now, with Obamacare imploding and the walls caving in, Obama and his propagandists are in full-blown panic mode, trying to explain away the lies and ineptitude that has helped Obama’s approval rating plunge.
On October 28th, Reporters with the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) received “training” on how to report on Obamacare. The Commonwealth Fund’s Sara Collins reminded the SABEW journalists that the website failures that continue do not signify “deeper problems,” but that it is a “website issue.”
The Commonwealth Fund is led by David Blumenthal, Obama’s national coordinator forhealth information technology from 2009 to 2011.
There is an obvious conflict of interest when members of the SABEW receive “training” to learn how to talk about Obamacare from those who have ties to the creation of the disastrous healthcare overhaul. The SABEW’s code of ethics demands that members “avoid any practice that might compromise or appear to compromise objectivity or fairness.”
So much for that…
The Obama Administration simply cannot let the facts speak for themselves. Doing so would invite outrage as Americans question the very real dearth of leadership in the White House. Instead, they have bullied the media, targeted dissenters and spent copious amounts of time, money and energy in pushing a preferred narrative via talking heads and ill-informed celebrities.
Journalists don’t need to be “trained” on how to spin Obamacare; it’s an absolute trainwreck and defending it or Obama’s lies is the quickest way for a journalist to out themselves as a partisan hack.

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