

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Obama-Pelosi Wasserman-Schultz Liars to the People

America, we were lied to from 2007 on. They justified it because they knew Obama-Care would never have passed if the truth was told. 

They are now lying about the fact they lied all along. They actually believe that you, us and the American public is so stupid we'll buy the "new lies." 

America, at what point will you have had enough of this? At what point will you in an unrelenting voice demand the immediate impeachment of Barack Obama?

I don't see how this idiot can go before the people straight face 
and still lie like he is doing?

This Hack should be the first to sign up since she told us we had to pass it before we see whats in it!

This woman is just an Obama nutcase

This guy is like Baghdad  Bob "Minister of propaganda"




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