

Monday, December 30, 2013

NBC figures out that employees aren't going to like what ObamaCare does in 2014

Hey Democrats, welcome to your 2014 nightmare
"You're going to be sorry you called it ObamaCare when people find out how great it is." - Every Democrat
Gotta love that quote.  I could run around and search for specific high-level Democrats who uttered some variation of it but, in the end, there's no need.  Pretty much every left-winger in Congress has made the claim at one time or another.  Now, 2014 is just about here, and they get to find out if they were right.
If they were, the mid-terms should be a cakewalk.  Everyone will think Dems are wonderful, and they'll breeze through November. If they're wrong?  Well, they're not. Their media allies have told us they're not, and there's no chance of that changing.
Right NBC News? 
The 41 employees of Extreme Dodge in Jackson, Mich., are very familiar with trade-ins, but this year they’re learning about trade-offs as they come face to face with the new realities of health care. A few workers say they’re getting a great deal, but most have a severe case of sticker shock.
“I feel like I’ve been taken to the cleaners,” said Neal Campbell, a salesman.
The news was presented at the company’s annual benefits meeting earlier this month, when employees were told that the health insurance plan that the auto dealership had provided its workers was canceled because it doesn’t comply with the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.
Uh-oh.  People are losing their current employer coverage only to find out that they're going to be buried under inflated premiums and deductibles? Shocking. 
It seems that NBC News has discovered the unthinkable. Businesses - evil capitalist enterprises that they are - exist to make money. When the government starts tearing into their bottom line, owners like Wesley Lutz are forced to make decisions about the benefits they offer.
“As a business owner, we have to be viable first and then provide services,” he said. Lutz is not required to provide health insurance to workers, but has done so for 35 years.
The monster. According to NBC, instead of insurance Lutz will give employees $2400.00 each.  They can use it to shop at Healthcare.gov, or they can just keep it in the bank and use it offset their federal fines. This will work for some low income employees but, for the majority, it will mean massive cost increases. 
Twenty-six of the dealership's workers had been covered this year under the old company plan. Twenty-one have now decided to go with the new group plan recommended by the company for next year, though they realize that they face sharply higher out-of-pocket costs next year.
Their deductibles will go from $1,125 this year to $3,000 next year, and maximum out-of-pocket costs jump from $2,250 to $6,350. And for families, those numbers double: to a $6,000 deductible and $12,700 out-of-pocket maximum.
The problem facing the Democrats is that - despite kingly diktats offering delays - this will become a much bigger story throughout the next year. Employers can already see the writing on the wall, and a vast number of people will soon see their benefit pacakges impacted just like the folks at Extreme Dodge. When that happens, the people who created this monstrosity will face a firestorm they can scarcely imagine.
“Let me suggest that, way over the horizon, about six months from now, a hundred million people get their insurance from Medicare or Medicaid. A hundred and seventy-one million get it from their employers. Watch the employers. Because if they start dumping people into Medicare and into Medicaid, and the doctors then say, ‘The burdens are too high and the reimbursement is too low. We’re not seeing Medicaid patients.’ Then, all hell is gonna break loose.”
The sad thing is that, the longer the law exists, the worse its impact will be and the harder it will be to undo. Hopefully, once they start feeling the pain, Dems who would previously have been on board will see the light and jump ship. Every single Democrat who still supports this mess should ask themselves the same question posed by one of the newly burdened Dodge employees:
“How is this helping the average American that’s working 40 to 50 hours per week?” said Terry Hardcastle, a salesperson. “How are we supposed to live?”
The answer is: It's not supposed to help the average American. It's supposed to place more weight on their backs as they subsidize others. Congratulations, you're learning about socialism.
As for how you're supposed to live, well,  you're supposed to live in the "fundamentally transformed" America that the Democrats have created for you.  You're welcome.
NBC's report is below. Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

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