

Friday, January 2, 2015

In Case You’re Too Stupid, Michelle Obama Is Here To Remind You How To Apply For Financial Aid

Here they are pushing more government aid or dependency or the College thing for the kids. We see the Occupy wall street Idiots that wanted everything for nothing including there college debt forgiven. You had Dick Durbin and Elizabeth Warren pushing a bill for re election class warfare  on having congress re do the loans in which they would tax the wealthy to help pay for a strangers school loan. Wow, anybody that listens to Michelle on getting College loans after these idiots are trying to say the kids didn't know what they were signing up for or could not afford them.  These Liberals are nuts! Bottom line they are pushing government dependency then raising taxes to help pay for that.

It’s this kind of paternalistic micromanagement that is leading more and more Americans to believe that the federal government is doing way too much.
 Today, First Lady Michelle Obama took to Youtube to remind students how to access federal student aid. (Side note: Isn’t this one of the tasks we pay high school guidance counselors to perform?)
It’s safe to assume that the first lady’s target audience are millennials, those upbeat youngsters defined as peopled aged 18 to 29.
These are the Americans who are texting their friends, playing fifty-point words on Scrabble via their smart phones, slaying zombies on their Playstation 4s, all while downloading The Interview on their Macbook Airs.
These people don’t need to be reminded how to do something so simple as applying for student aid. What do they need? Jobs. And what do their parents need? Jobs. Instead both groups have gotten a moribund economy thanks to this White House.
(Another side note: This message on how to apply is also odd coming from the administration that had access to the best brains in the tech world, four years, hundreds of millions of dollars and still couldn’t build and launch a working Obamacare website).
Michelle Obama is out there giving soon-to-be employable young Americans tips on how to get free government money while her husband is out expanding a private sector-crushing bureaucracy.
There are nearly 13 million unemployed young Americans. According to USA Today, “unemployment for 18 to 29 year olds is 15.8%.”
And if you have a college degree (listen up, Michelle), it’s still a struggle to land a job. “Roughly a quarter of college graduates with jobs are earning barely more than those with only a high-school diploma,” according to the Wall Street Journal.
Even as the media touts Obama’s rising approval rating, he’s still in the dog house with struggling demographic of young voters.
To be fair, I suppose this latest PSA from Mrs. BHO is better than nagging us on what we should or shouldn’t be eating.

Read more at http://dailysurge.com/2015/01/case-youre-stupid-michelle-obama-remind-apply-financial-aid/

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