

Friday, July 3, 2015

Muslim bakeries refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings VIDEO – media silent

Muslim bakeries in Michigan refused to bake cakes for gay weddings. You would think that would be news like Memories Pizza refusing to cater gay weddings. Nope, Muslims are part of the liberal media protected class. If Muslims want to follow their own religious beliefs and not bake cakes for gay weddings, you don’t hear any big outcry out bigotry of ‘homophobia.’ Instead, these Muslim bakeries in Michigan are given a pass to practice their religion as they see fit, unlike Christians. Watch the following video from Steven Crowder going into a few Dearboorn Muslim bakeries and asking them to make a gay wedding cake. Every one of them refuses.

Gay wedding cakes!
Yes folks, I did this. I went there. You have this now. Actually, I taped this video a long time ago but due to audio corruption issues, was never able to upload it. Now that my in-house whizz kid, Jared was able to salvage the footage, I am passing it onto you.
What do you think happens when a gay, like SUPER gay Crowder tries to get a super gay wedding cake baked at a Muslim bakery? I’m pretty sure you can guess, but you might as well watch this week’s adventure to Dearborn, MI to find out!
I checked Twitter and didn’t see one LGBT supporter threatening to burn down any of these Muslim bakeries. Amazing...


  1. PLEASE file a complaint with the ACLU and the Michigan Attorney General's office....You should also be able to find PRO-BONO representation as this is a slam dunk....You will do this Nation a great favor.

  2. Hold those accountable who wish to continue with these government backed double standards!!

  3. If the ACLU, Local and Federal governments refuse to act...well you can just add them to your list of defendants....
