

Monday, March 28, 2016

Brussels Represents Utopia to the Left, as They Remain in Denial About the Danger of Radical Islam

Long but good

RUSH:  You remember last week, folks, after the Brussels terror attack I spent significant time here on the EIB Network explaining to you just what it was about Brussels being attacked that has so shocked, frightened, scared the left. That Brussels, Belgium, represents the potential utopia in Europe.  Little did I know how right I was.  You know, my instincts are always right on the money, but on this one, man, there's even much more, and I can't wait to get into it because what it is, is yet another lesson in a never-ending series of lessons to liberalism and the destructive nature it is. 
Greetings.  Great to have you.  Rush Limbaugh here behind the Golden EIB Microphone.  The telephone number is 800-282-2882, and the e-mail address, ElRushbo@eibnet.com.  Hope you had a great Easter.  I hope you had a great weekend.  I had some time to recharge.  Voice is a little bit better today, so we're rocking and rolling and ready to go. 
The New York Times in a piece that ran, I guess it's today: "Who Will Become a Terrorist? Research Yields Few Clues." Do you believe this?  The New York Times has been looking into who it is that becomes terrorist, and there's no way to know.  There's no way to tell.  It's impossible to ascertain, in advance, who is going to become a terrorist.  Right there it is in the New York Times. 
"The brothers who carried out suicide bombings in Brussels last week had long, violent criminal records and had been regarded internationally as potential terrorists. But in San Bernardino, Calif., last year, one of the attackers was a county health inspector who lived a life of apparent suburban normality. And then there are the dozens of other young American men and women who have been arrested over the past year for trying to help the Islamic State. Their backgrounds are so diverse that they defy a single profile."
Really?  (laughing) They defy a single profile?  They defy a single profile!  They didn't have one thing in common.  The San Bernardino Two, the Brussels, Belgium, brothers, the ISIS infiltrators, Americans that joined, not one thing in common, not one.  And even if there were, the New York Times wouldn't sit by and let 'em be profiled anyway. 
I have never seen such a scapegoat story.  This is such a brazen attempt to deflect and focus attention away from the obvious.  It's serious.  It's laughable at the same time, but it really makes you question the motivation here of the New York Times.  And then here's an interesting website that we came across called TheReligionOfPeace.com.  You know what this site does?  This site lists acts of terror and the number of people dead and wounded in list format, much like the Drive-Bys report casualties and warfare, much like the Drive-Bys report the death count in any other criminal endeavor, but they never do it for terrorism.  You get newspaper stories, the website publishes stories of the details contained within paragraphs, but you never see the death toll, you never see the names, the counts, and the incidents. 
And they've done it here, a list of Islamic terror in the last 30 days.  Would you like the numbers?  Just to give you an idea.  This is part of the list of the Islamic terrorist attacks that TheReligionOfPeace.com website maintains.  During this time period, the past 30 days, there were 147 Islamic attacks in 25 countries in which 1,165 people were killed and 3,221 injured. 
Now, how many of you thought that the only terror attack that took place in the last 30 days was Brussels?  Or maybe you heard about one in Jakarta, but no way do you think that there have been 147 of them, and no way do you think that happened in 25 different countries, and no way do you think that 1,165 people have be killed, 3,221 injured.  And we'll link to it at RushLimbaugh.com, TheReligionOfPeace.com.  Our guys will find it without me sending them the link. Some of the countries...
And it goes on... 
Middle Eastern countries for certain.
It's an astounding list, and when you juxtapose this with the New York Times piece: "Who Will Become a Terrorist? Research Yields Few Clues."  (laughing) I mean, it's stunning.  Okay. 
On to some other matters before we get back to the Brussels piece. Amir Taheri had just a brilliant, brilliant column in the New York Post yesterday that I need to impart some of the highlights, some of the excerpts, because again, what do we do here every day?  In addition to being America's Real Anchorman, I simply report the news, all of it, and give you aspects of it and angles that you don't get in the Drive-By Media, or maybe in any other place.  We don't do topics here. We don't do causes. We don't do guests. We just do the news of the day related to how I can use it to inform people what I believe and what I believe to be right.
I believe that liberalism and all of its offshoots -- communism, socialism, you name it, fascism, yes, fascism is on the left, in the circle.  It's not a straight line, of course.  All of these things are the most destructive forces under the banner of liberalism.  You could put under the banner of socialism or communism if you want it.  I prefer liberalism.  Gotta be careful, though, 'cause I don't want people, "Ah, here goes Limbaugh again on liberalism," and get bored.  I hope that doesn't happen, because it's too crucial.  
RUSH: The Amir Taheri piece in the New York Post yesterday, that liberalism, liberalism, multiculturalism is what led to Brussels.  And even now there are people in Brussels and people in the European Union trying to blame it on right-wing zoophobia.  In other words, people in Brussels and Europe are trying to blame people like you and me, folks.  You know why?  Because we're so racist and bigoted against militant Islamists that we are so xenophobic that we're making them mad and we are hurting their feelings, and this is why they're lashing out. 
That's not why Brussels happened.  Brussels happened because Europe gave up its sovereignty.  Europe stopped controlling its borders, Europe let in all manner of immigrants but never required any of them to assimilate.  Belgium is a classic illustration and example.  Belgium was a country that was established out of three different peoples, three different languages, as a buffer between Germany and France.  It never did really have a cultural identity.  Well, it did.  That's the point.  It did have the basics of one, and it's vanished now, as immigrants are not required in any of these European countries.  Denmark is changing on this score, by the way, to assimilate and become a member of the culture of the country that you're emigrating to.  
RUSH:  I want to get into this Amir Taheri column that ran in the New York Post yesterday.  Headline: "Brussels Is What Happens When Liberals Don't Push Immigrants to Integrate."  But that headline doesn't even cover the main thrust of this piece.  I'm gonna do something very rare.  I'm going to tell you what this column says before reading the excerpts.  I'm gonna give you just a bit of analysis, 'cause it's a long piece. It prints out... I'm not gonna read the whole thing.  It prints out to over nine pages.  It's a very, very in-depth piece.  It is a brilliant piece.  Mr. Taheri even focuses on -- even gets to -- the fundamental problem. 
It's not just that you cannot have peace if you import and immigrate a bunch of assimilate resistant ideologically driven people.  It's not enough.  You can't... In other words, if that's all you do, you still have a fighting chance to save your country.  If you're gonna openly allow people to emigrate to your country who are not going to assimilate -- and we have been doing that. We have not been requiring assimilation.  That's a stark difference between the immigration of today and the immigration prior to 1986.  Immigration prior to 1986 all the way up to the late 1800s and the 1965 act, assimilation was why they came.
They wanted to become Americans.  They wanted to be part of what was a distinct and unique American culture that contained elements of the American dream, which didn't exist anywhere else in the world.  Yes, they might have lived together, formed basic neighborhoods -- the Italian, the Irish -- and they kept their identities. But they became Americans, proudly so.  They learned English, for example.  They did everything they could to let everybody know they were Americans.  And that hasn't been happening since 1986.  The immigration since, there hasn't been that.
We've been doing the opposite of assimilation.  We've been allowing immigrants to maintain their national language, and printing signs and everything in public in three or four or however many different languages are necessary.  We have not required, we have not forced immigrants to learn English, and without that, there is no way they can become part of the American culture. But the second half of this is the left -- the Democrat Party, however you want to characterize it -- their war, the war that they are conducting on the values and principles that have defined America is erasing the culture anyway. 
It's a two-prong problem, and this is fundamental to understand what happened to Brussels.  You know the 19 hijackers, many of them were headquartered in Brussels, some in Hamburg.  Brussels has long been a terrorist safe haven.  This column goes on to explain why.  But the point here is that liberalism -- and by Obama's own admission, his objective is to fundamentally transform America.  That means erase the institutions and traditions that have defined greatness in the culture. Erase it and replace it.  And we're in the process of doing it now. 
You see what's happening in North Carolina and Georgia just recently with transgender bathrooms and the NFL and so forth, threatening these states economically that if you pass legislation that requires men to use the men's room and women to use the women's room, we're not gonna bring the Super Bowl! I mean, there is an all-out war on the American culture, and it's been going on for a long time, and it's brought to you by the Democrat Party.  It's brought to you by the left.  So when you combine immigration that is not required to assimilate, because you're in the process of destroying the culture anyway, well, hello?
That's exactly what happened to Brussels and is what is happening in the United States. 
The left's war on our principles and values is erasing the culture this country was founded with.  It's erasing the culture you and I want immigrants to assimilate into.  It's being done purposefully.  Belgium should not even exist.  Belgium has never been a real country, which I will explain in a moment.  It was created in the postwar era as a buffer between Germany and France.  And because it was not a real country -- meaning they were not native inhabitants of a singular nationality and culture -- it easily became a European version of what they have in the Middle East, Pakistan, Afghanistan: An ungoverned territory. 
It has no real sovereign to speak of, no dominant home culture.  You wouldn't be very wrong if you said it was stateless.  Afghanistan is stateless.  This is why Al-Qaeda wanted to go in there. When there's no state, when there's no official sovereign regime, it's easy to go in and establish your own.  So they create a Potemkin country of Belgium that's not really supposed to be a nation.  It was a buffer zone between Germany and France. But even worse, they attack the idea of nationhood itself when they establishment it, convinced that Hitler rose because there was too much German patriotism for Germany.
You know, that story, it's like saying, "We should never have access to fire, beause despite that there are millions of lifesaving, life-creating, life-generating good things fire makes possible, look at what happens if it's done irresponsibly.  So we're gonna outlaw fire."  Well, this is the kind of thinking the left engages in, and it's what they have done in creating and establishing the so-called nation of Belgium.  So, over time, what do they destroy nationalism with, the left?  How do they attack nationalism?  It's under attack. We're under attack here. 
You know, when you hear attacks on "nationalism" or "populism," trying to make a bugaboo out of people who put their own country first: "That's braggadocios! That's xenophobia! That's racism.  You're not supposed to put your own country first.  That's selfish.  We're supposed to be citizens of the world, don't you understand?  And we're no better and no different than anybody else."  That's Obamaism.  So the concept of Europe and the closely related system of socialism there is to undermine cultural and economic connections to one's own nation. 
So in Europe now, you have a continent of people who've been taught not to believe in anything and not to be attached to their nations.  They've done that with open borders, wanton immigration with no assimilation. The attack on nationalism has not just been here; it's all over Europe.  And they've swallowed it.  They embraced it.  They thought it was great, multiculturalism.  They thought they were saying that they were great people, that they were nondiscriminatory, that they were open to one and all. And they literally allowed their own identities to be dissolved.
And now they're in the process of being swallowed, overrun, and being taken over.  You have a continent of people who have been taught not to believe in anything, not to be attached to their own nations. And because something always beats nothing, they're being overrun by a bunch of seventh century zealots, militant Islamists.  And they've let it happen.  Belgium is a classic illustration and example of how.  This is crucial, folks. It's happening here, whether it is a job that can be completed here as it has been in Europe, too close closest to cal. But it's really, really frightening.  And I don't think enough people see it for what it is and the way it is. 
So we'll make an effort and stab at it when we get back.
RUSH:  I just got an e-mail from a friend who said that what I'm doing is a lost cause because you are incapable of understanding my point.  A friend of mine just said practically verbatim in his e-mail, "You are attempting to explain fire to fish."  Meaning, if you all are fish, fire is impossible in your environment, and here I am trying to explain it.  So is this too esoteric?  Are you incapable of understanding my point here of how in fact militant Islamists combined with the left and its attempted destruction of our culture is making us a sitting duck? Let me give it a shot. 
You may be fish, but if there's anybody that could explain fire to fish, it's me.  And they're all nodding their heads in agreement in there.  "Brussels Is What Happens When Liberals Do Not Push Immigrants To Integrate."  But again, that's just half the problem.  The other half of the problem is liberals are destroying cultures, native, distinct, honorable national cultures everywhere under the name of multiculturalism.  Meaning there's nothing to assimilate to. 
"On Tuesday, when Islamist suicide bombers blew themselves up in Brussels, killing 31 innocent people and injuring 240, the European Union’s foreign policy representative, the Italian Federica Mogherini, happened to be on an official visit to Amman, the Jordanian capital.  Fighting back tears, she cut short a news conference saying: 'It’s a very sad day for Europe, as Europe and its capital are suffering the same pain that the Middle East has known and knows every single day, be it in Syria, be it elsewhere.'"
Brussels, by the way, is the capital of the European Union.  That's why it's the future utopia for a lot of people.  "She then mused about the role that Islam may have played in the tragedy, dismissing 'the idea of a clash between Islam and the West.'  'Islam,' she said, 'holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs to Europe…I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture.'"
Hey, why don't you just sign the death warrant, Ms. Mogherini.  She's classic.  She illustrates the problem.  She refuses to see it for what it is.  It's as justified as the social Democrats, as the Tories, the Whigs, it doesn't matter, they're as justified as anybody else.  "Islam holds a place in our western societies."  Islam is a religion, for crying out loud, guided by an ideology. 
"Mogherini’s statement offers an insight into the mentality that has helped produce the situation in Western European societies, where fear is woven into the fabric of daily life. It is a world of illusions and false identities.  In Mogherini’s world, the sufferings of Syrians, caused by a savage regime, is on the same par as the sufferings of inhabitants of European capital cities such as Madrid, London, Paris and now Brussels that have come under attack from jihadists who kill at random. In that world, political Islam, far from being an adversary dedicated to your destruction, becomes part of the family."
That's exactly what they've done.  But Ms. Mogherini fails to see the local conclusion of her analysis, which is this.  "If Islam is no longer a religion but a political ideology, why shouldn’t it be subjected to the same treatment, including criticism, as any other political ideology, and, if it poses a present and clear danger, face outright suppression?"
In other words, they want it both ways.  One day it's a religion, you can't touch it, it's a religion of peace. The next day it's a legitimate political party, except we can't criticize it because that would be racist or bigoted or what have you. 
"What happened in Brussels was a co-production by adepts of two sick ideologies.
The first one is Islamism in its many versions, including Khomeinism in Iran, Talibanism in Afghanistan, Salafism in Arab countries, Boko Haram in Nigeria, and ISIS and its offshoots across the globe. It will remain firmly in place until it implodes under the weight of its savage contradictions, as did the old Soviet Union, or is defeated in a war as was the case with Nazi Germany and imperialist Japan.
"The other co-producer, the mushy and politically correct 'liberal' ideology that has seduced segments of opinion in Western democracies, can and must be combated by all those who wish to protect the democratic system in an increasingly dangerous world. In Brussels, it started in the 1960s when the postwar economic boom created a shortage of workers."  There are three different languages spoken in Belgium.  They were put together on a map, lines were drawn, buffer between Germany and France, and the French speaking Walloons decided they didn't have enough workers to compete with the other two, German was another language that's spoken. 
So they began to allow immigration from all parts of the Middle East, much as Angela Merkel said at the beginning of this current phase, opening the border to anybody from Syria, anywhere in the Middle East, opening, let 'em come in because there's a shortage of workers. The birthrate replacement level is below normal. They need an expanding labor force and Germany is not producing enough people to fill it, so open the borders.  She's paying the price for it now, but that's what happened in Belgium way back when, and who flooded the zone, so to speak?  And they have been given political credibility. 
Meanwhile, liberalism, socialism, the European western social democratic model is doing the same thing the left is doing in this country, attacking the fundamental nationality and culture of each individual country, trying to erase it and replace it with whatever they dream their utopia to be.  So there's nothing to assimilate to.  So, borders are open to one and all to come in and be who they were rather than assimilate, and it's bye-bye country, be it Belgium, be it the United Kingdom, be it Denmark, take your pick, be it the United States.  It's underway here, too.  So there you go, fish.  I just tried to tell you about fire.  Light the match.
RUSH:  And, by the way, Tony Blair, who is the Barack Obama of the United Kingdom, a bit more likable guy, but Tony Blair, the Obama of the UK. Tony Blair says Brussels, the terror attacks in Brussels follows from flabby liberalism that can't prevent terrorism, can't stop it.  And little does he know how right he is.  He's actually agreeing and affirming what Amir Taheri has written in the New York Post.  He says it in different ways.  The point is, it's not an isolated view.  By the way, fish have seen blowtorches.  Oil rigs.  They know what fire is.
RUSH: I mentioned this last week, I'm gonna mention it again.  Back in January, Donald Trump warned everybody about what was happening in Europe, and he specified Belgium, in terms of out of control militant Islamic supremacism.  He was going on and on and the New York Times did a story mocking him, laughing at him, making fun of him, saying he didn't know what he was talking about.  This is classic, a guy running for president, he has no foreign policy knowledge whatsoever, just rattling off a bunch of stuff, trying to sound smart, but he doesn't know anything.  And who's laughing now? 
Even James Taranto, we admire James Taranto terrifically here.  He's Best of the Web Today, the Wall Street Journal, their blog.  He was one of the people way back when, kind of laughing and joking about Trump warning everybody about out of control Islam in Europe, and particularly Trump cited Belgium.  Taranto is not a Trump fan.  But he did relate the truth of something Trump said as reported with scorn by the New York Times. 
"Asked by the Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo about the feasibility of his proposal to bar foreign Muslims from entering the United States, Mr. Trump argued that Belgium and France had been blighted by the failure of Muslims in these countries to integrate. 'There is something going on, Maria,' he said. 'Go to Brussels. Go to Paris. Go to different places. There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Shariah law, where they want this, where they want things that -- you know, there has to be some assimilation. There is no assimilation. There is something bad going on.'
"Warming to his theme, he added that Brussels was in a particularly dire state. 'You go to Brussels -- I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful -- it’s like living in a hellhole right now,' Mr. Trump continued."
And it is!  Because one of the things they've done throughout Europe, but Belgium especially, yeah, they've allowed all kinds of Muslims to immigrate, but they have segregated them into their own areas like France has done outside Paris.  There are separate enclaves where various immigrants live, and some of them are so dangerous the cops won't even go there.  They just ceded the areas.  In effect they're ghettos.  And that's one difference here.  That has not happened here.  They're not required to live among each other in less-than-normal conditions, but that's what Belgium has done because they basically imported these people for the labor and the multicultural reasons as well. 
And he said the same thing about Paris.  He said Paris is not this romantic, beautiful place you think it is.  It's not what it was 20 years ago.  And the New York Times headline, "Donald Trump Finds New City to Insult: Brussels." This is back in January.  I'm mentioning this to you because it's news.  It happens to be the truth.  And I'm gonna tell you this, like I just said, in a month, maybe two weeks, two months, something's gonna happen and everything I talked about, "Where did I hear that?  Oh, Rush brought this up way, way back at the end of March."  That's what being on the cutting edge means, listening to this program. 
Back to the phones.  Erin in Louisville.  Great to have you on the program.  Hi.
CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  You said that just right, it is Louisville, and triple mega dittos.  I've been listening to you since the early nineties, and I'm a little insulted, and I'm a lot insulted actually and I just wanted you to tell your friend, please, whoever your friend, he or she is, and actually since you let me on, you and Mr. Snerdley, I will tell your friend do not insult this audience in that we don't understand what's going on.  Now, I do appreciate you, Rush, giving -- and it helps to have your voice, you know, giving that a voice and simplifying and clarifying what we know is going on, that the left is dismantling our identity.  And, really, do Muslims have to forsake their identity at all?  No, not one bit.  I don't see anyone saying the burqas are outdated and the hajibs need to go.  But we do know what's going on.
RUSH:  Well, look, I appreciate that.  What she's talking about, I got an e-mail from a friend about an hour ago, in fact, who said my addressing the subject here of immigration, assimilation, and liberal destruction of cultures in Belgium was like me trying to explain fire to fish, meaning this audience is fish, don't know what fire is. Your audience has no clue.  He was trying to be helpful.  You're engaged in a lost cause.  By the way, he's an elected official, I should tell you.  It is a he, and he is an elected official.  What does that tell you, Erin?
CALLER:  He must not know your audience.  I'm sure that there are some low-information conservatives out there, but it's not this audience.  So I think he needs or she needs to call you back and apologize.
RUSH:  Oh, I didn't take it personally. He was just trying to say, "Look, it's a nice effort, but this is not why people listen to you."  Here's the thing about that.  Every day, it's not every day, almost every day I look at what I have here, and I ask myself, like I really care about this, Belgium, all of this, because it comes under the umbrella of liberalism and what it is destroying, and we, the United States, are in the process of being destroyed by liberals.  I firmly believe it, and I'm trying to alert as many people as possible to it as I have my whole career. 
So I have a story like this I'm really passionate about.  And I do, I ask myself, say, "Can I make anybody care about this?"  I mean, they're listening to the radio not to be bored.  Is this gonna be too esoteric?  I ask myself that all the time.  And you know what I always do?  Just like you, I always come down on the side of the audience wants to hear it, it's up to me to make it interesting enough. If I think I can, then I'll do it.  'Cause I think you're totally capable of getting it.
CALLER:  Yeah, I do.  I think you should talk more about it.  I don't know why anyone feels like the United States has to be like Europe.  I don't know why anyone feels like we need to be that.  We're in a totally different place in the world, you know, geographically, and there's no reason why we should be, you know, open and porous.  I just don't know why --
RUSH:  Well, it is an interesting -- what is it about Europe that the left so romanticizes?  It's some things, it's trains.  They think trains are just the coolest thing.  They're sophisticated. They're not polluting. There's no individuals driving trains, you got everybody grouped and everybody's on the train and they're controllable and you control density, you control transportation. It's cleaner. it's far more sophisticated.  I think dreamy-eyed leftists in this country basically have a negative view of this country because of all of the freedom and what that has meant in terms of real diversity. 
CALLER:  Right.
RUSH:  Liberal diversity is skin color.  To you and me diversity is the differences in individuals: what interests them, what motivates them, what they choose to do, how much they put into it.  They look at diversity as skin color, sexual orientation, gender, or what have you.  They look at Europe and they romanticize that that's closer to their utopia than anything here is, and it's probably a multifaceted answer as to what it is that's attractive to them, but there's no question they do think Europe is far more sophisticated. They don't spend much on defense. They don't really waste a lot of money. They are great welfare states. I guess they think they're predicated on equality and sameness and all these wonderful impossible outcomes, but it's probably more hideous than that.  But you're absolutely right, there's a fascination with it.
CALLER:  Right.
RUSH:  And we run rings around Europe is the point.  Why should we sit here and allow ourselves to be subordinated and reduced.  Combine all those countries in the European Union and you don't have a superpower.  And individually you're nowhere near as -- they can't even defend themselves anymore.  But for some reason they're considered more enlightened, more sophisticated, wiser.  I actually think that part of it -- and you can see it in the way the European Union is constructed, the way it's built.  I'm talking about the governmental organization, the actual governing body, the European Union, not the nation states. 
I think there is a fascination on the left with aristocracy.  The upper classes, the all-knowing, the betters, the superiors running everything, because the peasants and the serfs are not smart enough, not wise enough, not educated enough, nowhere near sophisticated and never will be and therefore we can't leave anything of importance up to them.  And if you look -- you can see it, Hollywood every now and then will make movies or TV shows about the British aristocracy, and it's always in an admiring, longing way.  I really think it has to do in part with this belief in a superior class system made up of elites, and you are elite by birth, you are elite by training, you are elite by education, therefore they control.  You are elite by wealth, but new wealth is not automatically entered.  New wealth is frowned upon because it was derived via work. 
You know it wasn't that long ago, I'm talking about 80 years, it wasn't that long ago that in Great Britain, golf professionals were not permitted to play at membership country clubs.  You know why?  Working class.  They were beneath.  The best in the game were not permitted to play because they were working class.  And I think if you listen to liberals and the way they talk, they use socialist terms to describe people, the workers.  I have always resented government and politicians referring to the people who make this country work as workers. 
I'll never forget Fidel Castro.  You remember when Elian Gonzalez was sent back to Cuba and Castro sent his father here to make a big tear-jerking appeal to get his son back, his kid's mother had died escaping Cuba, drowned in the Atlantic on the way and they made a big deal about getting Elian.  And Fidel said -- I think his name was Migel, but whatever the father's name was, Fidel said, "He's a good worker.  He does wonderful, great work for the regime or whatever."  But this term worker, it's demeaning, it categorizes people in a class sense.  It's why I resent the use of the word.  But I believe that their fascination with Europe is rooted in aristocracy and their secret belief and desire that they are or can be or want to be aristocrats, in the age-old sense of the world.  
RUSH:  You know, communism and Marxism are really about class warfare.  It's almost a love-hate relationship.  Communism and socialism are rooted in the resentment of the upper classes, the aristocracy.  And yet it's only a certain kind of upper class that they don't like.  If you look at the American left today, it's almost like they idolize European aristocrats and want to consider themselves part of that club, in a sense. 
You know how five-year-old kids look at Disney World, Disneyland, it's this make believe place. However a kid looks at Disneyland, make believe, it's whatever you want it to be, it's just so much fun. You got fairies and you got dancing mice, you've got great rides, just total, total fantasy.  You never worry about what it costs, you're five, you're 10, you couldn't care less.  That's how leftists look at Europe.  It's a fantasy land, and they're able to make it whatever they want it to be.  And they tell themselves Europe is filled with superior people and far more sophistication and intelligence and what have you.
And here it is a resentment of the lower classes that's driving America.  It's both, no question that this anti-establishment mentality in the public, which is huge and, you know, anti-political class and so forth.  But at the same time, those people, the political elites in this country, actually look down their noses at the people that vote for 'em in many ways.  So it goes both ways.  
RUSH: Maureen in Omaha.  Maureen, I'm glad you called.  You're next on the Rush Limbaugh program.  Hi.
CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  I'm calling in regards to topic of assimilation that you've been discussing.
RUSH:  Yes.
CALLER:  I was a Peace Corps volunteer who was sent to the Middle East for two years.  I lived in the sultanate of Oman, which is next to Yemen and Saudi Arabia.  However, before our group of Peace Corps volunteers could begin our working in the host country for two years, we had to have three months of intensive Arabic language studies daily, and also cultural studies, like how not to offend the people in the Middle East that we would be working for, you know, certain things like that.  And it just strikes me as odd that, you know, here's an American Peace Corps volunteer agency that requires that of all Peace Corps volunteers, I'm sure it's the same today.
RUSH:  Sure it is.  But I get your point.  But you were guests, you know, you were not emigrating to live there and hatch a takeover, as immigrants in this country are dreaming.  I mean, immigrants are immigrants.  You were visiting, and I understand, it would not have been proper for Peace Corps volunteers to go to, say, to Oman and say, "You are gonna learn our language or we're not coming."  They would have said, "Stay away. We don't want you here anyway. It's just an idea of JFK's to make himself look good, stay away."  But you did great work in the Peace Corps, and your point about assimilating is exactly right.  It's based in respect.  It's based in tradition and so forth and good manners.  But none of that's applicable here. 

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