

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Jihadi Doublespeak/Democrat Doublespeak

As Usual We have Democrat Suck Asses!

Democrats are imitating Jihad in the art of double-speak. Hillary and a Muslim propagandist presented a five-minute pack of lies in defense of Jihad, withHillary only nodding, nodding, and nodding, and never saying a word  — like a properly submissive woman under Shari’a law.
The purpose of imam-approved wife-beating in Islam is to turn women into nodding slave dolls. Hillary is signing over and over again that she has been properly beaten by her man.

Since college Hillary has gone from a screeching harridan to a bobbing-head doll, showing submission to the most woman-abusing patriarchy in the world. She is singing for her masters. Islam means “submission,” not “peace.”  Even before taking the Oath of Office, Hillary has signaled her real loyalty, which has nothing to do with the Constitution.
By nodding so fervently to the Arab propaganda artist speaks for her, Hillary is signaling that she is running to become a Jihad mole in the White House. Just five minutes of video says it all.
This is like Bernie Sanders giving the clenched fist salute of Stalinism, which he has never disavowed, and Liz the fake Cherokee bending over her lectern in exact imitation of Vladimir Lenin haranguing the Bolsheviks in Russia. In Cuba Obama just showed his famous grin in front of a giant painting of Che Guevara.
Radicals in the Democratic Party used to follow Moscow. Today they follow Tehran and Riyadh. Our population has been dumbed down so much that Americans are blind to clear and present danger.
Three totalitarian war doctrines — Nazi, Soviet, and Jihad — three wars of deception and slick propaganda. We are still the target. Hitler infamously said that Communists make for enthusiastic Nazis, but that Social Democrats (the old mainstream liberals) were lousy recruits. That is still true today. It is the basis for the new Left-Jihad alliance that started in the 1970s when Saudi Arabia learned to buy up Western politicians with OPEC money and price manipulation.
By spreading a psychology of scarcity and “peak oil,” the Green Left helped the Saudis to raise the international price of oil, any time the oil Sheikhs needed to twist political arms in Europe and the US. You don’t need to cut the actual oil supply when you can make suckers around the world believe that oil is running out. And besides, like coal, oil is “dirty.” The facts don’t matter when the propaganda monopoly can turn people into lo-fo’s. To please the Saudis Obama has just tried to destroy the US coal industry, and none of our heroic media have said a word. It’s the sounds of silence.
Double-speak acts are signals to both Muslim and Red totalitarians, while normal Americans are being played for suckers. Last month, when the US sucker media celebrated Obama’s first public visit to a mosque, the imams put out a big sign, proclaiming “There is no Progress without Struggle.” The Arab word for Struggle is Jihad. They all know that, and Americans don’t.
By visiting that (radical) mosque with its double-speak sign, the President of the United States was endorsing Jihad. After all, there  is no Progress without Jihad, right?
It was another double message: the word “Progress” is a Pavlovian bell for the radical Left, and word “Struggle” signals Jihad to the Muslims.
Shortly after Obama’s first day in office, Air Force One was reported to have buzzed the Statue of Liberty in New York City, within sight of the flattened Twin Towers. The Feds denied those reports, of course, but thousands of people saw the big plane descending to fly near Lady Liberty with its tourists. People saw it.
I wondered about the biggest symbolic finger in the world buzzing Lady Liberty, but it seemed too farfetched to be true. It was “the power of audacity,” which appeals to Obama’s personality.
Now we know the Air Force One stunt was just another Obama F-U, not an accident. Obama uses the Goebbels Big Lie all the time, doing things too “audacious” to be believed. By now Americans are no longer fooled.
The 9/11 Jihadists were brainwashed by their Wahhabi priests in Arabia that Jihad is a lifelong obligation for all Muslims. The goal of Jihad is always to force the infidels to submit to Allah (i.e., the imams), now that Christianity and Judaism are losing believers in the Western world. Jihad can mean genocide, but it can also mean mass immigration, infiltration and propaganda. It can even mean “inner struggle,” as the propaganda claims. Those double and triple meanings are key, because Jihadists can say “peace” while thinking  “war,” they can say “justice” while thinking “tyranny,” and “compassion” while thinking “genocide.” After all, the only “peace” in their delusional system comes after complete surrender to the imams, or after death.
Marxism, Nazism and Jihad are war doctrines, based on carefully planted lies. The lies are their most basic tool. Bernie Sanders just lied about Hamas, because in his training way back in the Stalin time he was taught to lie for the cause. But Hamas is a tool for the Muslim Broederbund (paleo-Nazi) and now for the mullahs in Iran. Which might indicate that Bernie may be getting lots of money from those sources.
For Christians the Crusades stopped in the year 1200. For Muslims the Crusades never stopped. Islam is therefore entitled to kill and sabotage Christian nations in revenge for what they think happened a thousand years ago. And no, turning your Christian nation into atheism, like Sweden, is no better to the Jihad crowd. They hate atheists even worse.
If you talk to your liberal friends, you can see the propaganda clicking into their receptive minds. Whenever we see talking heads on TV, they are either mouthing the Jihado-Marxist Line or just nodding, nodding and nodding, like Hillary.
With Charlemagne Christian Europe mounted a defense against Jihad, popularized in the Song of Roland, the self-sacrificing Christian knight who warned the Franks by blowing his elephant horn, as a last gesture as he was dying.
The purpose of the Chanson de Rolande was too warn against the deceiving Saracen invaders (Jihadis from North Africa). One of the most famous lines is this: “He lied with every word he spoke,” meaning the Saracen knight.
The physical weapons of war have changed, but the war of lies has not.
Understanding Jihad lies is the first step toward self-defense.
But Jihad may be running out of Gulf oil money, due to the genius of Texas oil engineer George Phydias Mitchell, from Greece, who made shale exploitation practical, Shale exploitation is exploding around the world in countries that never believed they were energy producers. There are good reasons: It feeds the ravenous energy appetites of developing countries like China and India. It’s cheap and efficient. The hydrocarbons can often be found as gas, which is environmentally friendly. And finally, fracking in your own country cannot be used by the Gulf radicals to infiltrate and destroy your country.
 Some estimates give the Saudis only five more years of sitting on their hoard of gold, and some Saudi “princes” have bought luxury escape mansions in locations like Aspen, Colorado.
Dynastic monarchies like the Saudis don’t adapt well when the money runs out, and 50 miles away the mullahs are casting greedy eyes on Mecca and Medina. Thanks to Texas George P. Mitchell, violent Jihad may be starved of its money and power sooner rather than later.
With mullahs and Saudis getting nukes, the world might just escape by the hair of its teeth. Or not.  Obama is certainly doing nothing to stop it.


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