

Friday, March 10, 2017

Maxine Waters Says Sex Act Allegations in Trump Dossier Are ‘Absolutely True’ (VIDEO)

So it must be true what I heard that she had Hardcore Sex with Pelosi. She needs to step down or needs to be recalled because that's an embarrassment to the Country. She is such a DipShit Dumbass I don't see how she can function in life by herself?

Democrat Congresswoman, Maxine Waters appeared on MSNBC repeating her call for Trump to be investigated for possible impeachment. She even believes the allegations that Trump met with Russian prostitutes is real. 

MSNBC: “You think Donald Trump should be impeached over Russia…?”
Maxine Waters: “Uh yes, I’ve always said that I believe that if we get the investigations that need to be done, if we drill down we’re going to see the connections. We’re going to understand the role that this administration has played during the campaign uh with Russia and when we see that he certainly will be eligible for impeachment. I do believe that.”
MSNBC: “Your colleague Representative Adam Schiff a Democrat on the house panel investigating Donald Trump’s ties to Russia says he’s seeking testimony of a former British spy who wrote an unsubstantiated dossier of alleged collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. Uh do you believe anything about that dossier?”
Maxine Waters: “Oh I think it should be taken a look at. I think they should really read it understand it, analyze it and determine what’s fact, what may not be fact. We already know that the part about the coverage on him about the sex actions uh is supposed to be true, uh they said that’s absolutely true”
There is no evidence that this dossier is true. In fact Donald Trump has called this dossier, which was published by Buzzfeed ‘fake news’. Interesting how Maxine Waters magically knows which part of this dossier is ‘absolutely true’ without any investigation.


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