

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Obama Admin Source Confirms Wiretapping Was Conducted (VIDEO)

When Obama denies something that means the Dirt bag is Lying again, and here is another moment

Obama officials caught lying AGAIN.
A source inside the Obama administration acknowledged that wiretapping was conducted to spy on Trump during the 2016 Presidential election.
Democrat Kathy Arue: “My sources from the White House told me, she thinks it’s all true. She said, um there were concerns that Trump-and this is from the White House and the administration inside the White House…there were concerns that Trump and his surrogates may have been colluding with the Russians and a possible bargaining chip to influence the election, therefore a wiretap was conducted.”
That’s a load of crap.
The Obama administration knew there were no Trump ties to Russia that is just the excuse they are using now to try to cover for their illegal activity.
Lock him up!
Here is the full video from Watters’ World tonight.



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