

Sunday, June 25, 2017

CNN Under Fire: ‘Very Fake News’ Network Hit from All Sides as Breitbart Investigation Forces Rare Retraction

Again we see who the Shit Stains are in the Media

The network President Donald Trump has identified as a “very fake news” outlet is under fire from all sides as it was forced to retract a blatantly inaccurate hit piece on President Trump and his associates in the wake of a Breitbart News investigation this weekend.

CNN is getting ripped from all over the right:
Even President Donald Trump’s son Donald Trump, Jr., is out mocking CNN right now for its failure:
But it’s not just conservatives ripping CNN. BuzzFeed joined in too!
According to the lefties as BuzzFeed, CNN’s president Jeff Zucker himself is now personally involved in trying to handle the cover-up:
The network made Brian Stelter, the ever-reliable defender of very fake news and host of Reliable Sources, go Tweet about in shame:
But even Stelter was admitting by later in the evening he was pushing more fake news as CNN’s woes grow bigger:
And Stelter is facing mounting criticism for his refusal to report on the scandal engulfing CNN:
It’s unclear at this time if anyone, especially the reporter responsible for printing the very fake news that Breitbart News exposed as false, forcing CNN’s retraction, has been held accountable for his mistakes though. But the reporter, Thomas Frank, Tweeted out the editor’s apology and retraction notice:
CNN remains under fire — but here is the original text of the very fake news article:
One of the targets of the hit piece, Trump ally Anthony Scaramucci, is taking the high road, however:
CNN still has not provided a real explanation as to its misconduct and affronts against journalism:





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