

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Democrats have not been the party of the working class for thirty years

When the Democratic Party turned hard-left in Obama's second term, you would assume this meant courting the working class.  Wrong.  Democrats have not been the party of the working class for thirty years, according to Michael Barone
Republicans have been carrying white non-college graduates for 25 to 30 years, since long before Trump came onto the political scene. Trump's achievement, with his trade and immigration proposals, was to increase the margin with those voters significantly in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by appealing to those raised in union households who had been sticking with the Democrats.
The left abandoned reliance on workers even earlier in favor of getting money and power from misapplying the civil rights laws and staging shake-downs of corporate board rooms in the name of racial, sex, and homosexual grievances.  Still, Democrats continued to garner the support of organized labor, loyal to the party of FDR. 
The Democrat media complex is flummoxed by Trump's success among working people – they believe their own propaganda that Republicans are the party of the rich.  As I wrote after the last election, that is one big fat lie.
Education levels prove that Republicans are the party of America's middle and working class, while Democrats are the party of the extremes.  People who vote Democrat haven't graduated from high school or else tend to have post-graduate degrees. The majority of high school graduates, people with some college, and people with a college degree are Republican.  Education largely determines class in this country.  Argue with that one.

Mainstream media supports Democrat propaganda by defining rich as households that earn more than $75,000.  Seventy-five thousand for a two-income household is not rich.   
A look at the actual voting statistics broken down by party and income shows this:
Party of middle class families earning $30-74,999:  According to Pew, seventeen percent more vote Republican.
Party of the white working class, those with a high school degree or some college:  Twenty-two percent more vote Republican.
Party of the working poor: Republican.
When I show these statistics to staunch Obama supporters, they are stunned and simply deny them.  Democrats need to lie about the party of the rich to maintain their grip on power. 
Obama boasted of his $5 "donations" – which he raised by raffling dinner with a Hollywood celebrity or, for those less star-struck, a shopping spree.  It is the GOP that is largely funded by middle-class voters, with an average contribution of $50.
The very richest people in our country are mostly Democrats, as are the non-working poor.  (Working poor vote Republican.)  The same goes for the richest members of Congress – eight out of the top 12 are Democrats.  Every recent Democrat presidential nominee has been a multimillionaire.  Much was made of George Bush's wealth – how many voters knew that John Kerry was 13 times richer, at $200 million, or that the Ivy League lawyer Obama couple are millionaires?
The core constituents for the Democrats are not in working-class jobs, which explains why Democrats traded away those jobs to China and Mexico.  Yes, minorities and single women in the working class vote Democrat, but they have to compete for attention with the Democrats with money and privilege – triallawyers; unionized teachers; and the crony capitalists of Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley.  Twenty percent of Obama's top bundlers were homosexual activists.
This is not to forget the non-white millennials – the famous demographic advantage Obama talks about, in love with the statistic that the majority of Americans under five are not white.
Obama thinks Democrats should continue to write off those red voters.  They don't have long to wait for the demographics of immigration to turn America's majority non-white.  Obama is unfazed because he dreams about this: we already have a non-white majority among Americans under age 5.  Obama foresees a permanent Democratic government, based on minority immigration rates, coupled with ginning up racial and gender divisiveness.
The working class, black and white, wants jobs, not ginned up grievances.  Democrats have not cared about jobs for a long time.


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