

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Jesse Watters on Imran Awan: What’s a Top Clinton Attorney Doing Defending a Low-Level IT Staffer? (VIDEO)

All this is tied to the Clinton's / Obama?

Fox News’ Jesse Watters brought up a great question while discussing Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s criminal IT staffer Imran Awan on ‘The Five’ Friday. 
What on earth is a top Clinton attorney doing defending a low-level IT staffer? Excellent question!

Imran recently hired Chris Gowan of Gowen, Rhoades, Winograd & Silva, PLLC to represent him.
Gowen is a high powered attorney linked to the Clinton’s and Clinton Foundation.
WND.com reported:
Despite having declared bankruptcy, the top suspect in the Democrat’s House hacking scandal, Imran Awan, has somehow acquired the services of one of the top power attorneys in Washington.
And not just any power attorney, but one deeply connected to the Clintons.
According to the biography of Chris Gowen on the website of the law firm of Gowen, Rhoades, Winograd & Silva, PLLC, he has:
  • Worked in the White House for former President Bill Clinton (for five years) as a traveling aid (sic) on national and international trips
  • Worked for Senator Hillary Clinton
  • Worked for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign by directing advance operations
  • And was a fact checker for President Clinton’s memoir, “My Life”
Jesse Watters brought up the fact that everyone dropped Imran Awan after he was caught with government equipment in one of his homes and accessing computers unauthorized. Although Awan was subsequently cut off from doing any work with computers, Wasserman Schultz continued to pay him a 6-figure salary to work on printers….
“He (Imran Awan) gets caught fleeing to Pakistan with a bunch of dough and who represents him? A high-priced Clinton attorney! Now why is a Clinton attorney getting involved, representing a low-level IT Staffer for the House Democrats? Doesn’t make a lot of sense,” Watters said.

Video via Rightly News Twitter


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