

Monday, June 25, 2018

New poll ranks Obama as the worst president since World War II

No wonder there is such a rush to build that ugly monument to Barack Obama in Chicago: the bloom is already off his rose.  I suppose it was inevitable that the tidal wave of media flattery would recede from memory and allow the hollowness of his two terms in office to be perceived by those who don't think critically about what they see in the media.  But now that President Trump is demonstrating the bankruptcy of the Obama administration economic and foreign policies with solid results that vividly contrast Obama's failures, a new poll has identified him as the worst president since World War II. 
To be sure, only a plurality, not a majority, identifies him as the worst.  But give it a little more time, and let more facts come to the public's attention – for instance, the fact that he received emails from Hillary's private, unprotected email server that contained classified information.  And this implicated him in a crime.  And that he publicly denied knowing about the server from which he received emails.
It's a long road ahead for the Obama reputation.


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