

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 The Left is angry over Disrespect???  WTF did they do for the last four years??  Not a problem with that?  Americans know this Jackass did not get 80 million votes!

Republican Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) sent a crystal clear message to the president by wearing a face mask on the House floor Monday that sported the viral message sweeping the nation criticizing the failed Biden administration, “Let’s go, Brandon!”

BizPacReviewFounder of Punchbowl News Jake Sherman, who was formerly with Politico, was triggered by the gesture and sent out a tweet on Monday night telling the world about the dire deed. Rep. Duncan responded to it with an emoji wearing a mask. The congressman has been an outspoken critic of Biden’s mask mandates.
Politico reporter Olivia Beavers also tweeted out a pic of Duncan in the mask, taking offense at the gesture, and writing: “Spotted at House votes: GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan of SC wearing a mask with a phrase that Republicans are using in place of F*** Joe Biden.” What she doesn’t seem to get is the phrase was actually coined to mock the press.

A spokesperson for the Biden administration claims that the administration is “unfamiliar” with the viral “Let’s go, Brandon” chants that are occurring at major sporting events, according to The Washington Post. The phrase has now gone mainstream and is being used in general conversation, music videos, advertisements, protests, political speeches, and just about everywhere else you can think of.

“Let’s go, Brandon!” has become a euphemism for “F*** Joe Biden!” and the left doesn’t care for it in the least. It took the internet by storm following NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast claiming that the crowd at a NASCAR race was yelling “Let’s go, Brandon!” when they were actually chanting “F*** Joe Biden!” Video footage proved otherwise.
Duncan isn’t the only Republican who has used the phrase. Florida Rep. Bill Posey ended a speech on the House floor last week with “Let’s go, Brandon!” after contending that “People are understandably frustrated. Actually, they’re very angry. And they’re not going to sit back and take it much longer,” referring to Biden’s political maneuvers.

An incensed Beavers also took exception to Posey’s declaration from the House floor. She tweeted, “As @AnthonyAdragna explains here: ‘The House floor is typically policed quite closely for breaches in rhetoric. Talking about the president in any vulgar way would…attract attention—but this phrase seemed to fly under the radar.’”
Senior reporter at CNN Edward-Isaac Dovere cluelessly quipped, “Jeff Duncan, a congressman who calls himself a champion of traditional family values, showed up to vote today with an inside joke telling the president of the United States to perform a sexual act on himself displayed over his own mouth.”
Conservatives, however, love it.

The upset over the perceived use of the “F” word in connection to President Biden seems a bit overwrought. Both the president and vice president seem to have a penchant for using it themselves. “Behind closed doors, the former Catholic school boy is quite profane, according to several current and former aides,” Politico reported about Biden last week.
“In meetings with aides, Biden’s vulgarities include but are not limited to: ‘F*** them,’ ‘What the f*** are we doing?’ ‘Why the f*** isn’t this happening?’ ‘bullshit,’ ‘dammit,’ or just simply: ‘f***,’ according to several current and former aides,” the media outlet elaborated.
“By contrast, Vice President KAMALA HARRIS’ favorite swear word is “motherf***-ah,” [emphasis on the ahhhhh] according to someone who worked closely with her.



Funny Moment






Don't follow the Science here??


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