

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Psaki Blames Americans And Their Buying

 This Dumbshit is always showing how much of an (economic) Idiot she is!  Deflecting blame from her own Marxist Socialist party!

How dare the American People keep the economy going as intended?


Joe Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki has said, in so many words, that the White House does not feel they shoulder responsibility for the current supply chain crisis, including backlogged ports and an increased economic pressure on the American people.

On Wednesday, Psaki went so far as to blame the American people for the crisis, citing their spending habits when she was asked about whether they will be able to put Christmas gifts under the tree.


“What’s your message to Americans who are still so worried about getting their Christmas gifts on time, Halloween, is this going to be happening at a fast enough pace?” one reporter asked.

“Well, I think our message of that… one, what’s happening right now, and I wish I had the chart, but we’ll give it to all of you afterwards, is that so many people across the country are purchasing more goods online,” Psaki replied. “Maybe some of it is from habits that developed during the pandemic when people weren’t leaving their homes.

“Some of it is because we’ve seen an economic recovery that has been underway for the last nine months where five million more people are working,” she added. “The unemployment rate has been cut in half. And that is leading to a massive increase in volume.”


The Idiot ran on Defunding Police and crime spikes and this IDIOT is blaming the POLICE!   You cant fix STUPID!


Then you have this Dumbass still LYING with no proof.  Someone ask this Inbred Asshole  aka Schittface what proof is there that "Trump supporter" want to block minorities??  Flat out LIE!  I am for stopping dead people and Illegals and out of State people voting! Is that suppression??    NO!


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