

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Krauthammer: Obamacare Was Designed to Bring Socialism

We don’t agree with Charles Krauthammer on everything, but his recent analysis of Obamacare was spot on.
Appearing on The Kelly File, Krauthammer was asked about about changes in thehealthcare system due to Obamacare and how it will affect Americans’ access to care.  Remember, we’ve already seen firsthand the dramatic changes that the law is bringing, as millions have lost their health insurance and doctors and hospitals are rebelling against Obamacare by refusing to take patients insured under the law.
Megyn Kelly mentioned that people will go to their doctors and discover that they won’t receive care the same way they used to.  Krauthammer went ahead took this a step further, saying that many will find out that they won’t have health care at all, and this reveals the true intentions of the law’s author’s.
KRAUTHAMMER: A lot of them aren’t going to get it at all. In fact, if they get it, the insurers will have to pay for it without having any idea whether the person was insured. As we heard from the doctor, the doctor won’t know. We have a system that is in totally unchartered waters.
And the reason that we are here is because of the fundamental deception that underlay all of Obamacare. It wasn’t just the promise if you have your plan, you keep your plan or have your doctor, you can keep it. Theimpression Obama gave with that, the basic promise was to the 80 percent of Americans who have health insurance had it before Obamacare and liked it.
What he was saying is I’ve got a plan, but it going to leave all of you unmolested. It is simply a way to humanely address the people who don’t havehealth insurance. Americans are humane and generous. A lot of them said, OK, let’s try to do that. But we are now learning that not only was it known, but it was intended that Obamacare would completely demolish the way that American medicine was run up until now.
People would be driven out of their plans. Next year, tens of millions are going to lose employer plans. If you want to keep a doctor, you can’t. If you want to have a catastrophic plan, which for a lot of young and healthy will make a sense a low premium, you won’t get any of the extra goodies. You are simply protected if a bus hits you, you can’t ever purchase that.
Because Ziek Emanuel and his experts in Washington have decided that if you’re a 26-year-old guy you have to have lactation services, which you don’t really exactly need. The whole intention was to redo essentially to nationalize the whole health care system to put it under control of thegovernment. That’s why we are getting this shocking realization that everything is changed starting on January 1.
Krauthammer is exactly right.  80 percent of Americans have health insurance and are happy with it, and Obamacare’s authors knew that.  In the name of helping the other 20 percent, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the other far-left Democrats in Congress wrote a bill that was essentially a nationalization of the entire health caresystem, creating countless new bureaucratic agencies which have nearly limitless authority to write thousands of pages of regulations to fill in the gruesome details of this monstrosity.
This is why 2014 is so important for our country.  We must repeal Obamacare before it goes any further and America moves more quickly down the road tosocialism.  Help us get the word out about what Obamacare is really about by sharing this article on Facebook and Twitter.

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